New Tour to Turkey?


New Metal Member
Apr 29, 2005
Hi all

I have a question...

I saw a poster of yours about a festival named "Holysin" that you were also coming... I looked at your tour dates and coluldn't see turkey there... I don't have much time for reading all the treads in the forum; I must study for the uni. entrance exam..

So can you explain?? Is there an upcoming show to Turkey?
I asked that, too, to the man who hang the poster.. but he said that he also doesn't know... There is no date on the poster either. Weird isn't it??

but; i guess OL won't be coming... how disappointing :(
Yes, of course... After the flooding the balkan tour which floods istanbul, it is a dissappointing point to expect them to come again:(((

i wait you all, the orhaned children;)
me(Ayse) and Cagri miss you a lot !!!
there are lots of new orphans here waiting for you to come back ;)
i'm sure when you have the opportunity, you'll come here as soon as you can..
so pleaassseeeeeeeeeeeee!!! create that opportunity! :grin:

(it's been a while i coulnt follow the forum. so welcome back me! :P)