New Tourdates?

These are the confirmed bands as of now. A hell of a ticket price by the way.Costs even more than wacken...

Slipknot (US)

Marilyn Manson (US)

Disturbed (US)

Volbeat (DK)


Children of Bodom (FIN)

Opeth (S) NY!

girugämesh (JAP)

Meshuggah (S) NY!

Napalm Death (UK)

Trivium (US)

Mustasch (S) NY!

Dragonforce (UK)

Pain (S)

Municipal Waste (US)

Cult of Luna (S) NY!

Evergrey (S) NY!

All That Remains (US) NY!

Mucc (JAP)

August Burns Red (US)

Bring Me the Horizon (UK)

Bullet (S)

Dead By April (S)

Pilgrimz (DK)

All Hell (S) NY!
These are the confirmed bands as of now. A hell of a ticket price by the way.Costs even more than wacken...

Ticket prices is Sweden is insane! It´s the damn taxes for everything!!! It´s like we having taxes on taxes :u-huh:

Sweden Rock Festival is not twice as big as Wacken but have double ticket´s crazy!
I got my tickets to the London gig yesterday. Great service and quite fast shipment from England to Sweden from Ticketweb. Going to be fanatic...sorry...fantastic =)