Finally starting to snug in nicely here in Espoo, right next (12 minute bus ride) to Helsinki, the capital of Finland
And my workplace is a 15-minute bicycle ride away
Nice apartment too, with a sauna and a huge balcony! And finally got my internet connection too
Too bad I haven't slept since sunday morning (58 hours ago), for some reason, I just end up turning around in the bed all night. Maybe some anxiety about the new job and city, but I'm sure at some point I will be too tired and finally pass out and get some sleep
Hopefully not during the working hours 
Overall my outlook for this thing is improving every day, and the work is starting to become more interesting (well, second day now...), in one of the bigger IT consulting/outsourcing companies in Europe
and even better, I got a reply from the RME support and looks like they might indeed replace my Fireface 400 
Should be a nice new year indeed!

Overall my outlook for this thing is improving every day, and the work is starting to become more interesting (well, second day now...), in one of the bigger IT consulting/outsourcing companies in Europe

Should be a nice new year indeed!