New track I have been working on....

You can take anything I say with a huge grain of salt since I'm a total noob but I agree with demisephil, the drums (toms/snare seem behind everything else and maybe the kit needs more ambience overall?) get lost at times when you want them to cut through. Interesting tones though. Definitely not a boring clip to listen to!
Great sounding song though and the guitars sound is great.
From your sig I see you're using a pod and/or a 5150? Whatever you did here it suits the track so well done. Nice.
Drums are pretty damn punchy (whats your mastering chain like? My mastering is murdering my snares atm). If anything they're a bit short.. especially the snare. Like its just the attack and nothing else.

And the lowend is really loud and boomy... I think the bass guitar is way too loud.
Damn man! Sweet riffs! I like your 2nd mix the most personally. It's more 'in yer face.' One thing: Can you add a little to that ride cymbal? Seems like it should drive a little more you know?

Good song. Good mix.

Disclaimer: I'm mostly a n00b so my impressions are just from listening not analyzing.
WOWZERS! I finally got to listen to these in the car and man basscity. Jesus way too much lowend. I need to rework these badly. Thanks for all the kind words though and help.