New tracks up from my band (This Time It's War)

Sep 12, 2005
Richmond, VA
So we tracked an album late last year and we're FINALLY getting it out this fall, after a series of very unfortunate events... we just posted three new tracks online. Take a second and check them out if you're interested: Myspace(decent quality) or Soundcloud (better quality). Check our blog to read the whole story... hope you guys dig it. And let me know what you think of the mix!
Holy shit! Alan! Gonna check this out now.

Edit: Good stuff man! That's craziness with the label. I hope things work out for you guys.
oh shit, it's like old LOGboard people are taking this place over by the day

i have no audio @ the moment, but i have no doubt that these tracks are gonna kill...
and yeah, I guess LOGBoard is no more? that place turned into a joke anyway. Oh well, I spent years on there and I'm glad this is my new home because there's valuable stuff on here.
Awesome stuff but that snare is soooooo loud on my laptop speakers.

Thanks dude. That's one of my pet peeves with the mix. The studio where we mixed it has a pretty odd sounding room, to my ears, and we had a lot of trouble getting the drum levels where we wanted them. That's a lot quieter than it was from the first test mix we got, but next time around we're definitely going for a more organic drum sound.

And @NikSin, yeah I worked for FSP as an intern a year or two ago and did stuff with the Congregation.