new trade list


New Metal Member
Nov 29, 2004
First time it's listed here.


Some of the items listed in the 2:1 section are promos, cardboard sleeves or not in mint condition. All items listed in the 1:1 part of my list are in excellent condition. I don't have any want list, but if you want anything from my trade list - please let me know.

For trade (1:1)

Anathema Judgement CD
Anathema A fine day to Exit CD
Ancient Wisdom And the physical shape of light bled CD
Angel Witch Live CD
Armageddon Dildos Lost CD
Artefakto Des-Construction CD
Bethzaida LXXVIII CD
Bigod 20 Steel Works! CD
Biohazard State of the World Address CD
Biosphere Shenzhou CD
Biosphere Substrata CD
Black Sabbath Iron Man CD
Blood Divine Mystica CD
Blood Divine Awaken CD
Boss Hog Cold Hands CD
Boss Hog Whiteout CD
Cathedral Grim Luxuria CD-EP
Cathedral Soul Sacrifice CD-EP
Cathedral Forest of Equilibrium CD
Cathedral In Memorium CD-EP
Cathedral Cosmic Requiem CD-EP
Cathedral Caravan Beyond Redemption CD
Cathedral Supernatural Birth Machine CD
Caustic Moments of Infinite CD-single
Chokebore Anything near Water CD
Citizen Cain Serpents in Camouflage CD
Crematory Awake CD
Crisis Deathshead Extermination CD
Cubanate Metal CD-EP
Dark Tranquility Haven CD
Dismal Euphony All little Devils CD
Dominion Blackout CD
Dubel Darr Leper Candy CD-EP
Dubel Darr Hardcore prono CD
Dunkelheit Obey CD
Dødheimsgard Satanic Art CD-EP
Elastica Elastica CD
Emperor Reverence CD-EP
Entwine Gone CD
Fear Factory Soul of a New Machine CD
Flegma Flegma CD
Gathering, the Always… CD
Godsend As the Shadows Fall CD
Guns n' Roses Use Your Illusion I CD
Hamre, Knut and Tibbetts, Steve Å CD
Hedge Hog Angelite/Cloudbuster CD
Hedge Hog Thorn Cord Wonder CD
Kovenant Animatronic CD
Lacuna Coil In a Reverie CD
Lacuna Coil Unleashed Memories CD
Leather Strip Best of CD
Left Hand Solution Light Shines Black CD
Mactätus Provenance of Cruelty CD
Mactätus The Complex Bewitchment CD
Manfred Mann's Earth Band Tumbling Ball CD-single
Megadeth Cryptic Writings CD
Megadeth Youthanasia CD
Megadeth The World needs an Hero CD
Mentallo & the Fixer Where Angels Fear to Tread CD
Metallica Load CD
Metallica Re-load CD
Mundane Feeding on a Lower Spine CD
My Dying Bride The Trash of naked Limbs CD-EP
My Dying Bride Trinity CD
My Dying Bride Like Gods of the Sun CD
My Dying Bride 34,788 % complete CD
Nailbomb Point Blank CD
Napalm Death Fear, Emptiness, Despair CD
Orbina Orbina CD
PJ Harvey To bring you my Love CD
Rachel's Handwriting lp CD
Rapture Songs for the Withering CD
Red Harvest There's a beauty in the purity of Sadness CD
Sagittarius Voice of Doom 2-CD
Sagittarius Jole's Joik CD-EP
Sear Bliss The Haunting CD
Seigmen The Next Wave CD-single
Sensa Anima [sin thetic] CD
Sexepil Sugar for the Soul CD
Substance for God Assembly of Flowers CD
The Godfathers The Evening Show CD-single
Type O Negative The Origin of the Feces CD
V/A 10 Years Nuclear Blast 3-CD
Velvet Belly Lucia CD
Violet Arcana In the Scene of the Mind CD

For trade (2:1)
18th Dye Left CD
1000 Homo DJs Supernaut CD-single
8 Storey Window I will CD-single
Acid Jesus Acid Jesus CD
Adrian/Bjørnov Adrian/Bjørnov CD
Alastis/Sentenced promo 1998 CD-single
Alter Ego decoding the hacker myth CD
Alter Ego lycra rmx CD-single
Ammonia Mint 400 CD
Apes, Pigs and Spacemen Antiseptic CD-EP
Armageddon Dildos Homicidal Maniacs CD-EP
Autumnblaze Autumnblaze CD
B>Thong Damage CD
Bel Canto Magic Bix CD
Bigod 20 Supercute CD
Bigod 20 On the Run CD-EP
Biohazard Authority CD-single
Biohazard Mata Leao CD
Biosphere Insomnia CD-single
Bivouac Monkey Sanctuary (Cynic) CD-single
Blood from the Soul To Spite the Gland that breeds CD
Borknagar/Novembre promo 2001 CD-single
Born for Bliss Arabia CD-single
Bratmobile Peel Sessions CD-single
Bud Please the Pigs CD-EP
Crawley Territorial CD
Cubanate Cyberia CD
Cubanate Interference promo CD-single
Cud The Cud Band EP CD-single
Cud Through the roof CD-single
Dark Tranquility Projector CD
Decaf demo CD-EP
Delta 9 Level 4 da 3rd kind CD
Dickinson, Bruce Skunkworks CD
Disgust Brutality of War CD
Dos Pilas My own Wings CD
Drill promo 1996 CD-single
Drill White Finger CD-single
Dub War Cry Dignity CD-single
Dub War Million Dollar Love CD-single
Elastica Connection CD-single
Electrip-C Bussard Fusion Ramjet CD-single
Eleven Pictures Flowerland CD
Emperor IX Equilibrium CD
Eternal Basement Nerv CD
Every Mother's Nightmare Already Gone CD-single
Every Mother's Nightmare I hate myself CD-single
Fat Fat CD
Fat Tuesday Califuneral CD-single
Flugschädel Othniel trug Flugschädel CD-single
Foil Let it go black/Man overboard CD-single
Folk & Røvere Astronaut CD-single
For Love not Lisa Slip side Melting CD-single
Frost Contemplating upon Change in the World... CD-EP
Frosted Cold CD
Fru Pedersen Ta i mot en utstrakt fot CD
Fudge Tunnel Creep Diets CD
Godsend Godsend CD-EP
Happy Mondays Live CD
Hawkwind Out & Intake CD
H-Blockx Time to move CD
Headswim Gone to pot CD-single
Hoel, Samkopf, Vindtorn Nattkonsert med lydskulpturer CD
Home IX CD
Hullabaloo United colors of... CD-EP
Ignorants Phat Girls CD-single
Inner Shrine Fallen Beauty CD
Janitor Joe Boyfriend CD-single
Janitor Joe driver #43 CD-single
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant Walking into Clarksdale CD
Johnny Violent Shocker 2-CD
Kamen, Michael & Orbital Event Horizon CD
Kill Holiday Monitor Dependency CD-single
Kylie Minogue Enjoy Yourself CD
L7 Off the Wagon CD-single
Lapdog Knight for a day CD
Largo Largo CD
Left Hand Solution Missionary Man CD-single
Leftfield Rhytm and stealth CD
Lenny Kravitz Rock and roll is dead CD-single
Lewd Rivet CD
Mad Cow Disease Tantric Sex Disxo 2-CD
Manic Street Preachers Gold against the Soul CD
Mary beats Jane Day in Day out CD-single
Mary beats Jane Grind CD-single
MC 900ft Jesus Falling Elevators CD-single
Metallica The Memory Remains CD-single
Moist Freaky be Beautiful CD-single
Monster Blomster Alltis noen som har det verre CD-single
Mortiis Crypt of the Wizard CD
Mundane Seed CD
Nuku Det absolutte nullpunkt CD
Optimum Wound Profile Silver or Lead CD
Orange Sector Faith CD
Paradise Lost Mouth CD-single
Paragon of Beauty The Spring CD
Pops Staples The Kerwshaw Sessions CD-single
Psycore Meditation CD-EP
Pulkas Greed CD
REM E - bow the letter CD-single
Rub Ultra Brown Box Nitro (Dog's Life) CD-single
Rub Ultra Korporate Fynger Tactik CD-single
Run Dog Run Capital CD-single
Samael Exodus CD-EP
Samael Eternal CD
Satyricon Megiddo CD-EP
Savoy Velvet CD-single
Sepultura Attitude CD-single
Sexepil Jerusalem CD-single
Sheila Chandra with the Ganges Orchestra EEP2 CD
Shihad La la land CD-single
Signs ov Chaos Frankenscience CD
Solefald/Carnal Forge promo 2001 CD-single
Son of Crackpipe The Benevolence of dogs… CD
Stabbing Westward What do I have to do? CD-single
Stukas Wind up Working in a Gas station CD-single
SubGud Metropacem CD-single
Sugarboom Planer CD
Superskill Superior CD
Tansads A band on the Rainbow CD-single
The Feedback Bleep Engram CD
The Hangmen Used CD-single
The Linesmen From the back of Beyond CD
The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards Amazing Grace CD
This Perfect Day In my Bed CD-EP
V/A AmRep Motors 1995 Models CD
V/A Breaking Barriers CD-single
V/A Candlelight collection vol.4 CD
V/A Earache Next Gen98 Tour CD
V/A Earache spring sampler 95 CD
V/A Earplugged CD
V/A Earplugged 2 CD
V/A Electrocity vol. 6 CD
V/A Enter the Horde CD
V/A Hammered volume 5 CD
V/A HuH sampler 21 CD
V/A I Scream Records sampler 1996 CD
V/A Identity II CD
V/A Industrial Strenght 2-CD
V/A Infernal Gathering - The First Chapter CD
V/A Metal CD CD
V/A Metal Masters volume 3 CD
V/A New Release Sampler CD
V/A Nuclear Blast, "Present Bands" CD
V/A Plastic Head promo CD
V/A Sign of the Hammer 2-CD
V/A Silent Crying vol. 2 CD
V/A Slipdisc Records promo CD
V/A Solide Saker - en hyllest til DumDumBoys. CD
V/A The root of all Evil Records Sampler CD
V/A TV Soap Themes CD
V/A Voices of Wonder - a compilation CD
V/A Progress Yourself CD
V/A New from Dr. Blast vol. 6 CD
V/A Season of Mist/Holy Records sampler CD
V/A Spinefarm/Spikefarm sampler 2001 CD
V/A Peaceville Classic Cuts CD
V/A Extreme Rock 'n Roll series vol.1 CD
V/A Zoth in your Mind CD
V/A News from Nuclear Blast vol. 3 CD
Velvet Belly Easy CD-single
Veruca Salt Blow it up your ass... CD-single
Warrior Soul Drugs, God and the New Republic CD
Warrior Soul The Space age Playboys CD
Web Water in pyaemia CD
Wishplants Coma CD
Wormhole Chicks dig Scars CD
Wormhole Lay it on CD-single
X Marks the Pedwalk The Killing had Begun CD
Yeht Mae Yeht Mae CD

Thanks for looking.
