New trade/sell list

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Behemoth - Demigod
Behemoth - Satanica
Yngwie Malmsteen - Concerto Suite..
Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels (7)
Dream Theater - Black Clouds and Silver Linings
Helloween - Keepers, Part 1 (expanded edition) (7)
Crebain/Leviathan split (6)
Imperanon - Stained
October Tide - Grey Dawn
Kreator - Enemy of God
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines

Non metal:

Yes - Tales From Topographic Oceans (8 because it's two CDs)
Robin Trower - Bridge of Sighs (bonus tracks)
Stone Temple Pilots - Tiny Music...
Uriah Heep - Demons & Wizards
Alex Skolnick Trio - Last Day in Paradise

All CDs are 5 unless noted otherwise. Shipping is a flat rate of 2 dollars. If you get 4 or more CDs, shipping goes up another 2 dollars.

Paypal and US only

If you want info on the release year or whatever, just search on my RYM page for these albums.

Bold denotes something that is on hold
