New tune completed...opinions welcome!

Hapexamendios said:
My brother-in-law and I have a new tune for you to check out. It's called Song 5. What do you think of the guitar tone? Should the guitars be higher in the mix? Are the drums too loud? Thanks for any comments!!!

I like it!!!
The riff at 1.33 is great!
Amps? podxt?
The drums sound a little bit fake, I mean they lack of velocities / dynamics

kaomao said:
I like it!!!
The riff at 1.33 is great!
Amps? podxt?
The drums sound a little bit fake, I mean they lack of velocities / dynamics



Yep, POD XT using two is based on the Criminal amp model and the other is based on the Treadplate amp model.

Is it the toms that lack dynamics? I'm always striving for the perfect tom sound.
Hapexamendios said:

Yep, POD XT using two is based on the Criminal amp model and the other is based on the Treadplate amp model.

Is it the toms that lack dynamics? I'm always striving for the perfect tom sound.

In general snare/toms have always the same power on every hit.
You can try changing velocities and dynamics.
Anyway the sound on this stuff reminds me of a rotten swedish death metal.
That great sound that entombed had.
