New tune with Vox, would love some input on mix?


Oct 10, 2007
Firstly, I wanna thank everyone on here who has been decent enough in sharing tips, samples and impulses with us all! You're an inspiration!

Right i'll get right to it, I've just finished messing with a new song I wrote for my band (shameless plug - Your City Is Forgotten). I've mixed it to what i beleieve to be the best of my ability and so would love some input on how to improve!
If (unlikely as it may be) anyone needs to know anything about the recording then feel free to ask!

I'm doing the guitars bass and vocals on this, but live I stick to just vocals so pretty please don't rip into the guitaring being sloppy as I know i'm shit.

The link is and the song is pretty easy to spot!:headbang:

Thanks in advance!!

Ps. Let go of the cheesy chorus :erk: