New Upload - 1 x Orphaned Land and 2 x Swans Reviews


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Just uploaded:

ORPHANED LAND - Mabool [Pick of the Week]
SWANS - The Great Annihilator
SWANS - Love of Life

Both Swans reviews are Classics. Due to both albums having 16-17 tracks, the review box is a little big for 1024x768, so they're easier to read without the browser toolbars. In other words, for all IE users, hit F11 and give yourself some more real estate. :cool:

Oh wow! Those are some great Swans reviews. Especially considering you haven't heard any of their other stuff.

Here's a VERY brief histor of Swans:

1) I think they actually started in 1980 (not 1982) . . . I could be wrong, though.

2) The early stuff (Filth, Cop, etc.) sounds like Godflesh on heroin. Very slow, very dirty, and very repetitive. Cop is considered the precurser to Godflesh, Neurosis, and grind. Cop and Filth are very similar and are essential to understand the history of both grind and industrial music.

3) The late 80's shift in sound started with Children of God (their most CLASSIC of albums). This is where Jarboe starting adding her weird female vocals and songs started to become more "arranged" instead of "deranged". Children of God is another hugely influential album for bands like Neurosis.

4) The early to mid 90's (Love of Life, White Life from the Mouth of Infinity, The Great Annihiltor, etc.) became much more in depth and sophisticated. JayKeeley describes it well.

Hopefully some of you will take the time (and money) to really get into this band. 'White Light from the Mouth of Infinity' is sort of the companion CD to 'Love of Life'.

Check out the Swans website too. This band is bigger than any metal band. They have a massive cult following . . . which is part of the reason I've spent so much money tracking down CDs that need to be reissued.
npearce said:
1) I think they actually started in 1980 (not 1982) . . . I could be wrong, though.
I'm fairly certain I read somewhere that it was 1982, but I read so much shit on Swans over the last couple of weeks, I've become a bit warped. o_O

2) The early stuff (Filth, Cop, etc.) sounds like Godflesh on heroin. Very slow, very dirty, and very repetitive. Cop is considered the precurser to Godflesh, Neurosis, and grind. Cop and Filth are very similar and are essential to understand the history of both grind and industrial music.
Yeah, the heroin part is definitely a residue from their roots then - I tried to make it clear to point the smack reference out.

3) The late 80's shift in sound started with Children of God (their most CLASSIC of albums). This is where Jarboe starting adding her weird female vocals and songs started to become more "arranged" instead of "deranged".
Heh, I just ordered Children of God from Young God Records.

4) The early to mid 90's (Love of Life, White Life from the Mouth of Infinity, The Great Annihiltor, etc.) became much more in depth and sophisticated. JayKeeley describes it well.
Can't believe these guys are on my doorstep. I'm going to send Michael Gira my reviews, but I'll be sure to point out I'm a newb.

Check out the Swans website too. This band is bigger than any metal band. They have a massive cult following . . . which is part of the reason I've spent so much money tracking down CDs that need to be reissued.
Check Young God Records website out too. They're actually selling re-issues, and if it means anything to you, the CDs are signed.
JayKeeley said:
Sure, it's:

Also, bear in mind that I include all the label URLs in the published reviews as well, and it seems like both LoL and TGA were released on Young God Records.
Unless I'm mistaken their is still no reissue for 'Love of Life' and 'White Light from the Mouth of Infinity'. Those two are pretty expensive on ebay. The original issue of Children of God is probably the most expensive, though. I paid around $45 for both White Light and Love of Life.
Don't mean to be bumping really old threads, but Ali, just wanted to say that I really, REALLY loved your review of Mabool buddy.

Made me realize I never actually gave the album a chance. Been listening to it pretty much non-stop for the past few days (until the Dimebag thing happened) and it's fucking awesome! I love it!
Wow, cool thanks man. Since reviewing it, I would keep the write up the same but add '1' to the final score. I honestly think this is an album for the ages, it keeps growing on me, and FOR A FACT it will be in my top 3 at the end of the year. (I have my top 3, I just don't know the order yet).