New UTUBE videos

Some of these videos are pretty neat (or at least they were able to distract me from normal life for 15 minutes). I suggest looking though the related videos. The old (?) Forest of October one is pretty cool.
wwallinga said:
Some of these videos are pretty neat (or at least they were able to distract me from normal life for 15 minutes). I suggest looking though the related videos. The old (?) Forest of October one is pretty cool.

link me to the one you're referring to. most likely its the one from 2001, when they were touring with Nevermore.
Hmm... Axe played a simpler beat right after the first acoustic part in GoP... Was the original version too hard... ? Hope not, 'cause it looks like he'll soon gain permanent membership...

It's probably just me bitching though ;)
And some people with signatures big enough to fill half of my screen. And people with moving smileys in their sigs.
the longer youve been on the forums, the bigger your sig is allowed to be, its in the fineprint somewhere, all these n00bs are breaking the rules