New video blog up !

Sounds grymt grabbar!

wish we could have heard a bit more of the song in the middle there;) Lets hope Lillen nailed it in the end there:p Sounds great thus far and cant wait til the release date! Looking forward to see Henk and Rikard in the studio as well... Kukfitta! hehe... :lol:

Btw, Nice shirt Jari! :lol:
The Essence of Conviction I already made love to this video several times, Tom. lol..

You aren't the only one :p and it was really goooood...

I'm also missing Henk and Rik in the videos...

In my Opinion you should take Jari's shirt as the new "Evergrey-Shirt" for the next tour (hopefully also in Berlin :D ). You know, some merchandise :) I would buy one :p
Yeah great video again:headbang: Yes that's the only thing I miss so far Hendrik and Rikard!! but I'm sure they will show up in the next vid(I hope):worship:
And Hell yeah Jari wear a incredeble awesome amazing fantastic shirt:lol::lol::lol:

Cheers and rock on guys:headbang:

and now some words of inspiration from the duck coming out of Jari`s ass... Hahahaha...:lol: Heeeelp! Its great fun watching you guys in studio...