New Video!

Shawn B said:
you try playing "double bass"
I have only been playing "double bass' for 4 months!
Sorry dude! I didn't mean to rip on ya or anything, was just trying to be honest. It just looked like your legs were a little out of control, that's all! Anyways, best of luck w/ Theocracy!
JColtrane said:
Sorry dude! I didn't mean to rip on ya or anything, was just trying to be honest. It just looked like your legs were a little out of control, that's all! Anyways, best of luck w/ Theocracy!

JColtrane: no sweat, dude. We are definitely not above criticism and honesty here. I don't ever want this to be like some forums, where if you say the least little negative thing about the band you're ostracized like a leper. If someone's being vulgar or just bashing, that's a different thing, but you guys can always feel free to speak your opinions here. We're not perfect, especially me!

I will say, however, that Shawn's double bass skills are off-the-chart good, and he's been playing for something like 15 years. I have no doubt that when the next album comes out, he will blow you all away! :D
I didnt mean to sound rude if I did, I just didnt know where yo were going with that.I am just so use to people negative talking me for every thing i do on the drums. mostly churches I have played for!

Some people won't be happy until they suck every bit of joy out of everyone else's lives, and prefer to live thier own lives in man-made legalistic chains with no basis in scripture. Believe me, I speak from experience...
Very sad.
Solitude*Dominance*Tragedy said:
Are you a Christian band? Cause you said you've played at a church.
If you are whatever, if not whatever, just curious. I like it!

Yeah, Theocracy is a Christian band - one of the best ones around IMHO. Meaningful lyrics, no-compromise, powerful music - a great combination.

Glad you like it!
Matt Smith said:
Some people won't be happy until they suck every bit of joy out of everyone else's lives, and prefer to live thier own lives in man-made legalistic chains with no basis in scripture. Believe me, I speak from experience...
Very sad.

I know exactly where you are coming from. I have seen Christian websites that have torn secular and Christian rock to pieces, often with no basis for an argument and using incorrect information. And you are right, it is very sad indeed.

I too am a Christian and listen to a huge variety of both secular metal as well as Christian metal including Sonata Arctica, Edguy, Blind Guardian, Children of Bodom, and even bands like Mayhem, Behemoth and many many others.

I personally see my relationship with God strong enough to let any negative lyrics pass over my head. I know some Christians do stick with only Christian music and I do respect that, but those who criticise us without looking at our hearts....well that just makes me sick.

I could post links to the worst offenders to let people see what I am talking about but I really think that would do more harm than good, and I am gonna rise above all that.

God bless guys...stay metal!!