New VOYAGER track...

"click the like button to play this track"

oh fuck you facebook. Anybody got an alternate link?
As many know, I'm a big fan of all 3 albums. This song is dry. The beats are very similar to songs on I am the Revolution, and the lyrical rhymes are poor. I hope the rest of the album is better.
As many know, I'm a big fan of all 3 albums. This song is dry. The beats are very similar to songs on I am the Revolution, and the lyrical rhymes are poor. I hope the rest of the album is better.

Thank you for saying this. It's not bad, but I was expecting a little more given how much I love their previous releases. This will still be a no brainer buy for me.
As many know, I'm a big fan of all 3 albums. This song is dry. The beats are very similar to songs on I am the Revolution, and the lyrical rhymes are poor. I hope the rest of the album is better.


Not sure if I'd consider it similar to songs on I Am the reVolution... the songs on there flowed. This just sounded awkward. I'll still get the album.
thanks for digging that up Jen. Sounds like it'll be a fun song live :)
Really enjoying the new track ! everyone should give it a listen
