New WASP Guitarist.


Apr 13, 2001
W.A.S.P. have had a storied career. Over the years the myths have turned into legends surrounding the events, performances and musicians that have made this band one of the most famous and infamous in rock history. The faces have changed at times, but the one constant throughout has been the reckless and savage attitude of the band members - personalities that refuse to bow to mainstream. They are rebel spirits that know only one way to perform…VICIOUSLY!!!

The new lead guitarist for W.A.S.P. fits precisely into in this mold. This 6-string extraordinaire wields a mighty axe and goes by the name of Darrell Roberts, a 31 year old veteran hailing from Cincinnati, Ohio.

Lead vocalist Blackie Lawless affirms: "He was born to be in this band. We looked at a lot of guitar players over the last several months but no-one even came close to him - he's a monster looking for an audience to kill. In all honesty, I wish we would have had him when the band started. When you see him live, you'll understand what I mean."

Bassist Mike Duda attests: "Although there were rumors before Darrell was in the band, we took our time to make sure he was the one we were looking for. No decision was made until we had looked at everybody out there, and that wasn't finished 'til about three weeks ago."

Darrell spent the last several years in L.A. performing with his Metallica tribute band "Alcoholica", where he played guitar and sang lead vocals. W.A.S.P. heard about Darrell from some insiders at their record label, Sanctuary Records Group.

Darrell had previously auditioned for labelmates Megadeth, but he lost the job to Al Pitrelli. W.A.S.P. sees it as "their loss, but our gain". W.A.S.P. feels he is one of the most talented performers and musicians the band has had.

Following a show with his band "Alcoholica" some time ago, an after-show party got a bit out of hand. A drunken local decided that his girlfriend was paying a little too much attention to Darrell, and when the individual got into Darrell's face (to tell him how much he disapproved) a fight broke out. Darrell was arrested.

Lawless recalls: "Apparently, Darrell hit him over the head with a Heineken bottle. After that, there was some other girl who was interested in a specific part of Darrell's anatomy, and while he was in the process of showing it to her, the police arrived. He was arrested for assault and battery, drunk in public and indecent exposure. When I heard that story, I said, "that's the guy I wanna be in a band with". He's a sick bastard, so he should fit right in with the rest of us!"

W.A.S.P. and their new holy terror of a guitarist will be out on tour supporting the band's latest release Unholy Terror at the Wacken Festival in Germany on August 2nd and Switzerland on August 4th. The US tour begins August 22nd with the outrageous new bands Mushroomhead and Dog Fashion Disco in support.

"I strongly advise you to come out and see us with this new guitarist" Blackie says, "it's been a long time since I was this excited…we've got NEW BLOOD… and we are ready to take yours!"

You know, Mark was telling me about wasp when we were chatting one time, he told me to download an mp3 of the song "mean man" so I did, and I have to say, the lyrics are *incredibly* stupid, the guitar playing is crap, the music is SO 80s rock and I loved it haha!
So, im going to buy a "best of" of theirs or a live album or something, any suggestions?
Mean Man was written about Chris Holmes, the guitarist this new guy replaced.

If looking for a best of, don't buy the recent one.
Try and get 'First Blood.. Last Cuts', its much better.:)
Jeez Blackie Lawless talks some absolute arse sometimes!
Trying to make a faceless bunch of session musos sound like the most dangerous thing since the Sex Pistols.
He's always been worth a cringe inducing comment but shit,WASP rocks when their at their best!

Yeah,I'm an 80's metal head!!:D
WASP RULE!!!!!!!!!!

My fave WASP album is the first one, coz it's so nasty, so sleazy, and has so much attitude! But... The Crimson Idol is a heavy metal masterpiece, and The Headless Children is also brilliant.

Personally I like their first 3 the best I think though :)