New website


Damage Driven Creep
Aug 6, 2001

hopefully you all use IE, because I didn't have the chance to test the pages on Netscape etc. I already eliminated a dozen bugs, and there are probably more to come, so please inform me if you find something suspicious... :)
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Looks very nice :)

Works little slow for me, it's prolly because of my crappy computer...otherwise it works fine. I'm not sure if I should say this but Farmakon biography is little misleading...err....maybe it's just me... *taps desk with fingers*
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Looks funky. :D

The only "bug" is the complete lack of Flavoured Numerology lyrics, you bastards. They'd better appear in the booklet otherwise I won't be a happy bunny. :p
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Rusty said:
Looks funky. :D

The only "bug" is the complete lack of Flavoured Numerology lyrics, you bastards. They'd better appear in the booklet otherwise I won't be a happy bunny. :p
Not a bug, and I hope you can be a happy piggy at least... :D

Thanks! :)
hmmm.... Opera seemed to stop the pop up window. And rightly so, if you want to pop-up a new window then make sure the user has to click it, otherwise most pop-up blockers will stop it i think.

Took a little while to load, but very interesting concept!! It'd be nice to have some hint as to what things can be clicked or similar.. :p It's good, i'd think about including a more text oriented version for people on slow connections or who browse with images turned off! But yes, otherwise it's very interesting looking, and certainly not the normal standard websites most bands have!

I guess those images that are used throughout the site were used for album art and such?? They are very cool, wherever they came from!!
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I think it is not weird, maybe... oddly original, some pics are quite well chosen and the global result is eye-catching. It would be clearer, it's true, the site is confusing at times. I don't like the pic of the pipe in the bio page, but it's a matter of tastes, I assume. In any case, good job and congrats, Downfall!!!!

YaYo said:
hmmm.... Opera seemed to stop the pop up window. And rightly so, if you want to pop-up a new window then make sure the user has to click it, otherwise most pop-up blockers will stop it i think.
It seems stupid to me to make an "start-page" where there is nothing but a logo and you have to click it. If I make a text-based version, I probably consider making a start-page.

Took a little while to load, but very interesting concept!! It'd be nice to have some hint as to what things can be clicked or similar.. :p It's good, i'd think about including a more text oriented version for people on slow connections or who browse with images turned off! But yes, otherwise it's very interesting looking, and certainly not the normal standard websites most bands have!
First of all, thank you... :)
I don't see how you would need more hints, since the hot-spots are highlited when you move your mouse over them and a text (in the bottom left corner) tells which section that link will take you.
I don't think I will take into separate consideration the visitors who are browsing with images turned off. The whole packet of the navigation images take about 1-2 minutes to load with a modem, so... patience... :)

I guess those images that are used throughout the site were used for album art and such?? They are very cool, wherever they came from!!
Yep, they're a part of the cover-art.
Jo said:
Groovy :cool: *peruses* hmm...there was no information on the member page for Riku?
Yep, he doesn't have internet-access, so we have to ask the questions from him personally. It might take a while since we keep forgetting to do so. Also the equipment-pictures are missing cause I've been pretty busy rehearsing...
Russell: That's because we use the free .tk (or redirecting site to simplify the address. I didn't do it, I SWEAR! :lol: :rolleyes:

Lasse: It's not our fault the picture doesn't have the link. It's not our fault either that the logo is old now, since Marko sent Mark the new logo about 3 months ago. After he had asked Mark to make me and toni moderators also. I know Mark's busy, but still...
I taught myself. Internet is a great supply when it comes to html, javascript & php which were used in the page. It's just one thing not to trust everything and rank the out-dated directions. I've studied C++ a little and xml even less, but they've helped me too. I hope it works even a little, since I'm not very good yet...
Downfall said:
Russell: That's because we use the free .tk (or redirecting site to simplify the address. I didn't do it, I SWEAR! :lol: :rolleyes:

:tickled: Fair enough :p

Downfall said:
I taught myself. Internet is a great supply when it comes to html, javascript & php which were used in the page. It's just one thing not to trust everything and rank the out-dated directions. I've studied C++ a little and xml even less, but they've helped me too. I hope it works even a little, since I'm not very good yet...

:lol: A hell of a lot better than me! I've been trying to learn, I find it bloody hard :( Plus I don't really have enough time to sit down and dedicate a lot of time to building a website, which I'm sure is the bestest way to learn :)
Russell said:
:lol: A hell of a lot better than me! I've been trying to learn, I find it bloody hard :( Plus I don't really have enough time to sit down and dedicate a lot of time to building a website, which I'm sure is the bestest way to learn :)
Yes, I know what you mean. I think the best motivator is the need. We needed a new web-site again and I had to take the time to make it and I wanted to make the best I could. Plus, I've been working for the summer with html and javascript so I've had to learn the languages since the pages I make here at work are used as commercial products. I guess "valid html" is an oxymoron by definition, but... :D
Hearse said:
Better ask mark directly when he comes online on icq/msn. :p
ohh and Lassi, you have improved your skills with html greatly! !:eek:
I'll check all the errors later and bug you with them :lol:

the pics are really fitting on the homepage :)
Thank you... :worship:

And I really actually wrote much more of them than before. Only the pop-up window code is the same we've both used before, but I didn't copy/paste any code for the image-changes etc... :)

It was nice going through the studio-diary's code which I also redid: "What the hell was I thinking?!" :lol:
Judging on the content of the diary, maybe... :lol:

I made the html-pages every sunday when we were at studio, so tired at least... :)
Horza said:
At first it did seem a tad too minimalistic as I my browser blocks all popup windows...
Ok, I'll make the bloody start-screen and the text-version, but one day I'll kidnap your children! :lol: