New website


Who'r u calling a Junior?
Nov 11, 2003
Visit site
Cool. There's a new site (I'm kind of sad - I really like old website's look). I didn't explore all of it yet (can't wait to about circle of 12) but what are other thinking?
Woooooooooo! Damn. I have to admit that originally I was very sceptical of this new project considering Ron's partners in crime, whose track records are, for want of a better word, in my opinion lacking.

But Ron pulls through! These clips sound great; I'm especially enamored with rjsynaptic2.wmv. I do know just the same frustration in song writing and I admire Ron's capability of devising limitations and confinements and other systems that actually make him focus writing stuff, without becoming limitations upon the music in the end — instead working like an inspirational focusing lens or whatever. I just wish I were able to do the same :) (I've been in a musical dry spell for 5 years.)

Yay yay yay.
musical dry spell for 5 years?
maybe just have some fun playing instead of getting overly technical with all the brain masturbation.

i like the new stuff a lot. the total REM clip at full speed is awesome. cant wait to hear some breakdown parts within the songs. there better be some disgusting harmonizations thrown in to make us throw up.
[Off topic] It's the brain masturbation I'd need to focus, since the aimless playing for fun hasn't helped in a while — that's what I've always been all about.

I've watched these videos far too many times now!
The new site is awesome, the 12 Tone Circle is really interesting and all the news about Ron playing with Marty again and the MoD project is really exciting. Ron is the man :worship: