New While She Sleeps (Brainwashed)

Really love this record, best Metalcore i´ve heard since Rise To Remain.

One question for you Carl, were the drums again tracked at Chapel Studios? The Roomsound is simply awesome!!! I´ve searched my impulse response folder for a similar sound, but can´t get any close...

I guess you produced the drums again, right? What shells were used, i love the sound!


Well the drums sound like every Colin album have done in the last 10 years or so. Kick,snare and Toms are likely replaced 90-100%.
Yup drums tracked at chapel, the room sound is special there - we put a few mics up but mostly what your hearing is a pair of B&Ks on a stereo bar for ambience.
Sure, we used samples on the mix but nothing like the %'s your talking about, we just made sure the drums were super in tune, checking between every take - also with the comping we made sure we used the most even and well hit performances. Sav's a brilliant snare hitter so that's probably what you're hearing.
hey man,

The clean tones never really changed from the tracking.... bit of comp and EQ

For the crunch clean tones it was a Vox amp and Tele with a Rio Grande pickup in the bridge. (beginning of Saints etc)

For the Uber clean tones (our legacy etc) it was either that Tele or Sean's Ibanez FR with 81's in it, through a Galaxy amp and a Crystalliser and Revibe patch i made for Sean during the tracking.... with a little h3000 on it for width.

Thanks for being generous with the information. Seriously great job on this record. Top notch stuff!!

I have those plugs and know how to get the Eventide width thing out of Waves doubler but I have to say I've not had much luck with Crystalliser whenever I have pulled it up for a try, what exactly is it doing to the sound here? Any starting points you recommend? The beginning of "Our Legacy" is the clean tone I'm referring to.
The crysaliser just kinda swerls and sounds cool - the presets are a great starting point... It's mega powerful, totally worth learning