New Whitechapel tune

Ill start so you can get quicker to your "yeah me too" thingie.
Me no like, sorry :(. First i thought they were going to trash abit, then the whole RATM/korn/slipknot thing started... I understand they want to progress, each cd they made progressed shitloads in the good way, this maybe is just only one song. But why, since they got famous by making brutal music, they now go on the soft way? I saw loads of bands do this at the top of their carrier in the past, think most of em died, or at least they did to me. Still will check out the complete cd.
this makes me so sad. So thrashy/Slipknot-esque which is fine, but it sounds nothing like them. Also, this whole banking off the end of the world/humanity/hate everyone thing needs to stop, they at least could sing about killing hookers again (not that its original). I hated their newest EP and I feel like i'm gonna hate this
no band needs 3 guitarists. ive never understood it even going back the band "the beloved". yea you can put 3 guitar parts on a recording but do you really need all 3 guitar parts live? especially when those parts take up 20 seconds of the live show.
Like everything but the weird middle section. Not terrible just a bit weird.