New Wind Through the Trees tracks available for download

fotmbm said:
the connection was refused when attempting to contaxt
I'll try later

Very ghey. WTTT is like Noltem but with more black influence. We're actually dropping that sound after the Trauermarsch EP... we're going back to the plan we had two years ago... funeral doom with scathing black metal. The stuff I have written now relates to closely with Noltem and I don't want two bands of exactly the same thing.
myspace in general is a very unreliable site with frequent code errors and server crashes.. so I'm unfortanutly not surprised :(
i hear cymbals, where are the drums man! you should give me the tracks to remix for you :D

Edit: ok i hear drums sorta.. on 2nd track but man the vocals drown evrything out almost on both :/
You are all weak and powerless, this shit works fine for me.

I like the long intro to The Ashes of Ivy and the acoustic work near the 03:5 minute mark is VERY cool. But seriously, what in holy FUCK is wrong with the myspace time counter shits?!

You guys are definitely on to something. At times it sounds like typical black metal, but there are other elements at play that are very promising, especially your use of acoustic guitar. It's not the typical "okay let's put an acoustic arpeggio as the distortion fades like Ulver used to and while we're at it create a run-on sentence" style, and that's a very good thing.
Thanks a lot for the words Adrian, and if you want to hear these songs in their true glory, they are on that disk I sent you.

Carbonized - we just actually found a real drummer (which fucking rules because the drum machines slaughtered the tracks) - and if you are really interested in mixing/mastering, we should talk because I dont know shit.
I figured they were on that CD you sent me, which obviously I haven't gotten around to yet. :loco:
Marksveld said:
Carbonized - we just actually found a real drummer (which fucking rules because the drum machines slaughtered the tracks) - and if you are really interested in mixing/mastering, we should talk because I dont know shit.
Sure i'd love to give it a try if you want. I love tinkering around with music like that :D Add me to MSN if you want or encode the tracks separately as Mp3s and e-mail them to me at omniopost/