Wind Through the Trees songwhore time (fans of funeral doom seeee here)

the Nady on the fender created an undesirable "distant" feeling. I'm gonna try micing the Crate, and if that doesnt work, I'm just gonna stick with the Crate Line.
i like the reaction im getting for the clean guitars. woot, thanks to my mockingbird! one of those is an acoustic, if you can tell (at 2:32)

i hope you don't mind, that is basically supposed to serve as a lead into the chords... this is what happens when you listen to albums way too much for your own good... you subconciously play them and say "LOL AWESOME RIFF"
by the way... i just added an acoustic thing inbetween the other riff and the doom metal.. i think it works a lot better and i like what i played. I would sure like to show you all, but I accidently deleted ACID off of my PC and I can't access my song :( :( :(
Marksveld said:
by the way... i just added an acoustic thing inbetween the other riff and the doom metal.. i think it works a lot better and i like what i played. I would sure like to show you all, but I accidently deleted ACID off of my PC and I can't access my song :( :( :(
i have it... Acid Pro 4 to be precise.
Doomcifer said:
You have been saying this forever!! Hurry up and do it damnit!!! :loco:
[wanker] You can't rush art. [/wanker]

I only just got myself the recorder as an xmas present. I need to get some tracks down and then find a way to upload. I'll get some shit put together for all of you to laugh at.

Man, I cannot believe that a 32MB memory card can only hold about 5 minutes worth of music on "high grade" recording. No wonder the MP3 was invented.
Okay, new one is up. Tear it apart, I guess...

Just keep in mind, please, that this ISN'T WHAT THE REAL ONE WILL SOUND LIKE. We're going to be doing studio work with a good mix blah blah blah... these are rough promo recordings. I just basically want to know if people like the song. And to Jaykeely and Matt and whoever - let me know what you think of the new distortion/transitions. Thanks! ENJOY
eh, i'm having my doubts about everything i've done with WTTT so far. go for it... maybe its just been a shitty day. talk not about my sloppy/horrible guitar playing, i didnt try :p
No, it's not bad at all - and like you say, it's not final and perhaps acts as more of a foundation as you add all the layers later on.

All I was going to comment on were some ideas...

The intro section is good. I like the way you've got that left speaker/right speaker thing going. It sounds like there are three tracks: "chord picking", "melody (right)", and "harmony (left)". The tone on the "melody" sounds really good and it acts as the prominent component. IDEA: Why not fade out the "chord picking" track only approx. one bar before the second section begins. That way you're just left with one guitar before the transition. It will give 'closure' to the first section and sound cool/eerie. (Even better if you increase reverb/echo on "melody" track).

The intro piece to the second 'section' -- I think at the 2:00 mark -- is a little long and could be cut in half as many bars. It's somewhat dangerous to have a solo guitar play like that in a repetitive manner for that many bars....

When the tempo (strumming) picks up in the second section is really cool. Keep it as is. (Although a bass track here would add a cool dimension, making it sound just a tad fuller).

Section 3 is very cool, leading into the distortion. Good drums here. The distortion has been improved somewhat (although still not as nice IMO as what you have on "Solitude" but I assume that's a more 'finished track). The bass lines here work well.

The last part ends a little abruptly. I think it would sound really good if section 3 just kept building and building to something more climactic. You've build the tension all the way and you really want to aim towards getting a strong finish in there. All you need to do is emphasize what you've already got. Perhaps even try to work in melodies from section 1 and 2 to make it all well rounded.

Ignore me if you wish, heh. We run a webzine here and it's our job to dissect music so don't blame me. It's in my DNA! :loco:

Overall though, this could develop into something really quite powerful because your foundation is good. Give it a break and come back to it perhaps, but I think you're on to something here...
Wow, all of that was really, really, really, excellent, Jay. It's absolutely fucking rare to find someone who can dissect/analyze/critcize music in that way, and I appreciate it. You let me know what I could do to improve the final product, not my current shitty test recording. I will take these ideas into consideration very much. Making an album for yourself is important, but unfortanutly it does not work when other people see flaws in it. Thanks :) and I'd be pleased to tear apart your samples once they are uploaded!