new year's resolution


Aug 2, 2002
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they email these little lists around the office of this every year. i never partake, but this year i decided to do it because i felt pressure. this is my list so far:

- start up smoking again so i can waste time at work and irritate the mini-coughers on 14th street
- learn how to shoot a gun better
- learn to ice skate
- start sleeping way less (2 hour maximum)
- avoid doctors (especially when dying)
- stop trying to be a freakin artist (waste of time)
- become anorexic

that's it for now.
I'm operating on four hours of sleep and it completely sucks. I have ample free time but I'm too tired to enjoy it!
to stop biting clear through my mothertruckin' cheeks.
to not get fired within weeks of getting my first real job.

I wish they had lists like that at my office. I could pretend to be cool too...
stop being a dirtbag.
stop asking my parents for money.
stop sleeping with skanks. (maybe not)
start eating food that isn't ketchup on bread.
increase smoking to pack and a half per day.