New Zyklon mp3

The song has one riff over and over and you're saying it's more talented than punk? At least punk changes it up.
Listener1254 said:
The song has one riff over and over and you're saying it's more talented than punk? At least punk changes it up.

I hope you are joking.
Wow, that's awesome, although certainly not what i'd expect from Zyklon..... It sounds very Emperor-ish, and then when the clean vocals come in, it sounds very really doesn't sound like Zyklon at all; it lacks the spastic energy and complexity from World OV Worms. Could have done without the clean vocals I think, but otherwise it's making me look forward to the new album all the more. =)
Emperor Magus Caligula said:
I think they have gone soft compared to World ov Worms.. I hope that the album is not going to be full of this slow tempo, clean vocals and keys..

True. It's alright for one song, but it's more fun to go fast :hotjump:
this sucks. vocals arent nearly as strong as on word ov worms. and i totally dont hear the emperor youre talking about. its way to slow and simple for any emperor song.
if they are gonna keep doin this type of stuff they need to ditch it and GET EMPEROR BACK TOGETHER!!!!