Newbie Kontakt ?


Apr 7, 2012
San Antonio
Hi my name is Paul,

I just recently purchased a handful of Joey Sturgis samples for drum replacement, but I ran into a snag i'm afraid. I've managed to load the Shoulder City Toms & or Cymbals multi into Kontakt 4 into Logic 9, but i'm unable to hear any sound when I trigger the Hi Tom, Mid Tom, or Low Tom. I clearly see visually that the triggers are working in Kontakt 4 because each time I hit a trigger pad i'm able to see the velocity of my hits. I am just not able to hear any audio verification that the sample is working though. There is a possibility that this is a small fix, and i'm just blind to the answer, but ill go ahead and clarify my intentions.

I'm currently trying to trigger the samples with my Roland TD-20 kit into Logic 9 & all audio is working correctly for the Kontakt factoy library samples that came with Komplete. So the problem is just with the JS samples & loading them into Kontakt. I am currently looking for any way that I may be able to use these newly purchased JS samples for tracking purposes. I've purchased Drumagog 5, and SS-Trigger as possible solutions to replace the drum sounds from either SD2.0,BFD,EZDrummer,AD,SSDPlatinum. So in other words my intentions are to use any of the virtual instrument plugins I own if necessary as a means of communication between my daw *Logic 9* & my Roland TD-20 to be replaced by the JS samples . I am looking for an easy way to utilize the Joey Sturgis samples for tracking instead of the software instruments I own & listed above.

Currently is there anyway to load a JS drum kit w/cymbals into Kontakt 4 & trigger the samples via e-drums live, like I would if I were to load the original SSD plat into K4? Example: Currently I can load SSD plat via Kontakt 4 & it recognizes my TD-20, and I can start tracking right away so what i'm asking is, is there anyway I can do the same with the JS samples? I'm very sorry if my question repeats itself I just want to make it very clear what i'm trying to do. Like I said before I have other forms of software for the purpose of potential work around room to preform this task. Latency issues are also not a problem for me, so a working method is the prime goal. As I stated above when I strike a V-drum trigger pad I can see via Kontakt 4 that a JS sample is being triggered, but i'm not receiving any audible verification this meaning *no sound*. To me this seems like a Kontakt problem with the .nki files & not the samples, but i'm coming to you all for help & and a possible solution. If in case this audio problem is fixed, i'm assuming based on my understanding at this current moment that the samples are able to be triggered? Therefor at the moment the only problem is that I am just unable to hear them via Kontakt? If someone could verify this that would be great. If in fact I am able to trigger the JS samples via Kontakt, will I be able to load more samples, assign midi notes to those samples so that the samples trigger properly with their respective v-drum pads?

Sorry for the Noobish questions :(

Thanks much!

P.S. sorry for my piss poor writing. I was in a hurry and my mind was running 100 miles a second. I did managed to clean it up a bit, but i'm sure there are plenty more things wrong with my sentences, and poor use of punctuation.
Ok just an update, I've managed to achieve sound using the samples. Somehow setting the Output to "Create Separate Master Output Channel" fixed the issue, but leaves me with another problem. When I load a preset multi from Steven Slate Drums EX *since I can't load anything via SSD4* I am able to right click the individual kit pieces within Kontakt 4, and a window pops up saying "Quick Load" this is where I can place the JS instrument files .nki files directly into this list to load. When I select one of the JS samples to replace it the respective sample window replaces the pre-existing drum. I thought this was perfect at first, but I ran into a snag. Apparently it just replaces that sample, but fails to retain the midi data as in the midi notes assigned already to that drum. So when I go to trigger the "High Tom Dorsia" using the V-Drums it fails to trigger the sample, and I'm left listening to the sound of a drum stick hitting a mesh head in the studio *sigh*. I figured I could rectify the situation, by just changing the midi note of the sample to match the respective drum trigger pad, but of course when I try to do so I'm left with multiple layers of midi samples set to the wrong midi notes. This would seem like a no brainer to just drag the notes to the correct ones, but the long grueling task of individually mapping multi trigger drum pads sounds absolutely horrible. If there was some way that I could load the JS samples into the SSD kitpiece slot via Kontakt without changing the midi note that would be wonderful. I'm assuming many people just use keyboards or software drum machines to program drums, so sampling wouldn't seem like such a problem once you have the ability to use the samples, but in my case I like to capture the performance live with a setup that is some what closer to an acoustic kit instead of face rolling on the keys or mouse click spamming beats. Nothing is wrong with that i'm just saying in my situation my intentions are to use my e-drums. If anyone else here is using e-drums with Kontakt, and replacing samples with the JS samples please please please let me know how you set it up. I'm sorry if you went thru the trouble of manually reassigning the midi on each sample to the correct pad, and if you changed the note via your e-drum module i'm sorry again, but I can't afford to change the notes in my drum brain due to the ramifications that would ensue with the many other software programs I own and use with my TD-20.

I know this is more of a technical foul on my part, but I guess I should have done my research more into samples & drum sampling before I jumped head first into it, but of course this is a learning process. I will admit some of the problem is my inability to manually program drums via a typical method thus the idea of drum sampling for me kinda forces me to actually play the drums to capture a rhythm or idea. This is partially because when I program drums using a more traditional method my beats become very mechanical and less dynamic. Some would say a healthy velocity check should do the trick, but again the idea of manually adjusting the velocity for each hit becomes rather tedious when I could in turn just preform the beat or rhythmic pattern physically with my hands & feet with controlled velocity as I play. I just find it to be a bit more fluid. Anyways if anyone knows a solution to this problem within the Kontakt 4 program & without editing midi via the drum module that would be great.

Sorry again everyone for my EPIC Fail ?'s