Newbie questions to recording


New Metal Member
Dec 10, 2007
Hey everyone, i'm pretty new to all this so there are a bunch of questions that i'd like to ask:

1. I want to record dry guitar tracks for tweaking later, but want to monitor my playing with Revalver AND impulses enabled, how do i do that?

2. I also want to try hooking up my Genz Benz El Diablo head straight to my M audio firewire solo, and then using impulses to as cab sim to find an appropriate sound. Which output of my amp should i use, and how do i monitor my playing WITH the impulse on?
What software you use for recording?
1. Plug into instrument in of your audio interface, setup plug in your host for monitoring and set as low latency as possible.
2. Use line out (without any speaker simulation if amp has such ability) or FX send. And use first instruction, but plug into line in.
I use Adobe Audition.

Do I need a dummy load for my amp head before using it to plug straight into m audio firewire solo?
Oh yeah and one more questions..From what I know, impulses simulate not only cabs, but also the poweramp.

When I use Revalver, should i be using the head simulators, or just the preamp simulators when pairing it up with impulses through the built in RIR?
Is Audition capable of realtime monitoring?
From my experience it could be impossible... but I`m not work in latest version of this program.