Noob questions left and right..... HELP!!!


Oct 10, 2008
Niles, Michigan
Hello, new to this site and I gotta say.... AMAZING!!! Anyways I have tons of questions but not sure how to ask them. Also, I apologies.... this is a long post im sure.... In my signature I have listed my equipment and I will go through how I record and what not. Other then sticking the mic in front of the amps and hitting record (Logic Pro 8), I dont really know to much else. I know some shortcut keys a little and I can move my way around but after that, thats about it. I dont really know any "Lingo" or whatever. But I just LOVE MUSIC! I play in a Metal band, its all I really play and listen to for the most part!

I just want to know what do I do after I hit record and stop! Ive read some of the posts here and people were like "I just want to make them more pronunced and in your face WITHOUT boosting stupidly high frequencies to introduce a ton of fizz into the sound. Is compression the key?" and the replier states.... "Are you using impulses? I'm pretty sure most people lowpass anything after 12000hz-13000hz and then give a little boost somewhere usually around 8k. It works well for me. I've also almost exclusively been using IIEQ on guitars with great results". .............. Yeah I have NNNOOOO idea what he just said right there .... lol..... Im sorry im probably asking dumb questions I know. But I just love music and cant afford Studio time so ive saved up and got my own equipment.

Like I said my equipment list is below, what do I need to do to set it up right? Mic Placement, better mics? How do I work compression..... WHAT THE HELL DOES HE MEAN WITH "lowpass anything after 12000hz-13000hz and then give a little boost somewhere usually around 8k"!? Lol, sorry... been frustrating myself with headaches lol.... But after I hear the guitar tracks I just recorded, the rest of the band is like, it sounds awesome.... but I think and KNOW it sounds like CRAP! How do I work my tracks correctly?

With all my equipment, what do I need to do!?!?!?!?!?!? My stuff is listed just give me pointers as much as you can please!!! If you know any GOOD Tutorial videos or posts (preferably videos, more of a visual learner kind of guy) point me in the right direction..... Thanks everyone and sorry for being a noob.
Hello, new to this site and I gotta say.... AMAZING!!! Anyways I have tons of questions but not sure how to ask them. Also, I apologies.... this is a long post im sure.... In my signature I have listed my equipment and I will go through how I record and what not. Other then sticking the mic in front of the amps and hitting record (Logic Pro 8), I dont really know to much else. I know some shortcut keys a little and I can move my way around but after that, thats about it. I dont really know any "Lingo" or whatever. But I just LOVE MUSIC! I play in a Metal band, its all I really play and listen to for the most part!

I just want to know what do I do after I hit record and stop! Ive read some of the posts here and people were like "I just want to make them more pronunced and in your face WITHOUT boosting stupidly high frequencies to introduce a ton of fizz into the sound. Is compression the key?" and the replier states.... "Are you using impulses? I'm pretty sure most people lowpass anything after 12000hz-13000hz and then give a little boost somewhere usually around 8k. It works well for me. I've also almost exclusively been using IIEQ on guitars with great results". .............. Yeah I have NNNOOOO idea what he just said right there .... lol..... Im sorry im probably asking dumb questions I know. But I just love music and cant afford Studio time so ive saved up and got my own equipment.

Like I said my equipment list is below, what do I need to do to set it up right? Mic Placement, better mics? How do I work compression..... WHAT THE HELL DOES HE MEAN WITH "lowpass anything after 12000hz-13000hz and then give a little boost somewhere usually around 8k"!? Lol, sorry... been frustrating myself with headaches lol.... But after I hear the guitar tracks I just recorded, the rest of the band is like, it sounds awesome.... but I think and KNOW it sounds like CRAP! How do I work my tracks correctly?

With all my equipment, what do I need to do!?!?!?!?!?!? My stuff is listed just give me pointers as much as you can please!!! If you know any GOOD Tutorial videos or posts (preferably videos, more of a visual learner kind of guy) point me in the right direction..... Thanks everyone and sorry for being a noob.


key questions:

Are you using impulses?
lowpass 12000hz-13000hz = type of cut made with EQ, cuts everything above 12k
boost around 8k = type of boost made with EQ, band boost at 8000 hz
IIEQ on guitars
Awesome, thanks! Now I read the impulse guide and he said to use just SIR, I have a Mac should I use SIR2 or find a different plugin? And I cant find that GuitarHacks Impulses or the Wagner Sharp VST at all. Would they work for me? Im using an iMac with OSX and Logic Pro 8. Anyone know of any awesome free plugins that will work on Mac with Logic Pro 8?
Yeah, if you're on a Mac, then it's a bit harder, cuz there aren't any free impulse plugins or ampsims out there (so no TSS, Wagner, Boogex, KeFIR, etc. :cry: ). SIR2 would be (as far as I know) you're cheapest option for running impulses, though maybe Logic has a built in convolution reverb plugin (which is what you need). I don't even think Revalver is available on the AU format yet o_O
Some great tips to start off here, but my question to you:

What do want to do exactly? Are you just not happy with your recorded guitar sound? Do you want to record just the head and then apply impulses (which are "cabsims") You want tips for getting an entire mix to sound better?

All of this can be found here, just a little more info can help!

We should all stay noobs anyway, keeps the music fresh :D