Dude, this is GREAT info I didn't know.
Is there a way to randomize velocities when, for example, a cymbal is hit with alternated hard and soft hits? Take a crash for example and suppose it goes
X x X x X x X x
Can I randomize that and keep those differences or the only way is separating it in two and applying that randomize function to each one?
I'm pretty sure that it can be done Cubase has script midi functions like the one I posted, and you can program it by yourself (I think that the one you needed isn't created yet...)
Something like...
If midi_velocity < 100 then
randomize between 80 and 100
randomize between 100 and 120
This midi-script feature is very powerful. Just one example. In one project, I have all the kick notes on C1, and i wanted to separate them into C1 (kick-left) and C1# (kick right). Do it by hand its a nightmare (select with the mouse every second note and move it to C1#... :zombie
I managed to do this automatically using this script-thing
Also, how do you add random functions to position?
In the Track Parameter you can add some "randominess" to different things. Just select position and try different values. For example, for double bass drum at 200bpm, more that +-5 in position start to be noticeable.
(Use position instead of velocity, i take that image from google )