Drum velocity - help! ima noob

Dude, this is GREAT info I didn't know.

Is there a way to randomize velocities when, for example, a cymbal is hit with alternated hard and soft hits? Take a crash for example and suppose it goes

X x X x X x X x

Can I randomize that and keep those differences or the only way is separating it in two and applying that randomize function to each one?

I'm pretty sure that it can be done :goggly: Cubase has script midi functions like the one I posted, and you can program it by yourself (I think that the one you needed isn't created yet...)

Something like...

If midi_velocity < 100 then
randomize between 80 and 100
randomize between 100 and 120

This midi-script feature is very powerful. Just one example. In one project, I have all the kick notes on C1, and i wanted to separate them into C1 (kick-left) and C1# (kick right). Do it by hand its a nightmare (select with the mouse every second note and move it to C1#... :zombie:)

I managed to do this automatically using this script-thing :kickass:

Also, how do you add random functions to position?

In the Track Parameter you can add some "randominess" to different things. Just select position and try different values. For example, for double bass drum at 200bpm, more that +-5 in position start to be noticeable.


(Use position instead of velocity, i take that image from google :goggly:)
Oh, cool. But, how do I modify that randomize script in Cubase? I tried it yesterday and couldn't find an option to edit it. So I did the 60-100 and then compressed and added values till they where 120-126.

This midi-script feature is very powerful. Just one example. In one project, I have all the kick notes on C1, and i wanted to separate them into C1 (kick-left) and C1# (kick right). Do it by hand its a nightmare (select with the mouse every second note and move it to C1#... )
Hey, I want to learn to do that to! I was doing it by hand, haha, the Flinstones' Way
You can modify the midi-scripts in Midi -> Logical Editor, and there you can open one of the default functions to see how it works :kickass:

(I dont really know how it works, I just try different things until... voila! lol :goggly:)

Here is how its configured my kick-script.

oh damn, it seems like Cubase LE 4 does not come with the Logical Editor :( so I can't create presets. Is there any alternative software to do this? (I am not planning on spending 200 usd to upgrade Cubase just for this, is quite a lot of money)
Hello. assalamulaikum.
I recently began tracking on logic and im using superior drummer 2.0. The drums sounded quite loose ( pre'eqd/compress ) and the avg velocity is about 95. I can change the velocity individually from the 'list' on the right handside but its takes too much time. Im just wondering if theres another way of doing it? m sure m doing it wrong. I use guitar pro to tab the drums Do i pre determined the velocity there? thx guys.. and also if i am to do eq/compression on the drum, do i do each kit seperately or do i just put the eq/compression on the buss?

here bud, this might help!
Programming in the Hyper Editor is WAY easy to deal with velocities and such. Have you tried this?


I did try to alter the volumes before but it was unresponsive. Havent tried with velocity yet. Will do later. Cheers bud!
Is there any way to randomize velocities in Pro Tools 8? I'm working on a death metal project, and this would REALLY help me with the blast beats.

I'm using Steven Slate Drums 3.0.

Click the drop down thing right under the record, mute, solo buttons. You'll see a list:


Click the drop down thing right under the record, mute, solo buttons. You'll see a list:



Heh, yeah. I'd gotten that far :)

Just wondering if there's a way to select a group of midi marks, and set their velocities to random values without going through and manually changing each one with the pencil tool.
Hey jarenare.

I do use Guitar Pro drums -> Midi -> Cubase.

Then i go to the track parameters and apply random velocity.

What numers do you use there? Or what is a good velocity to start off?

For example:
Velocity 170 + randomize -4 +4?
Or just randomize +150 +175?

In Cubase you can seperate the drum midi so every hihat etc. has it's on track....
Right click on the midi file and seperate parts.

Is there any way to randomize velocities in Pro Tools 8? I'm working on a death metal project, and this would REALLY help me with the blast beats.

I'm using Steven Slate Drums 3.0.

I would like an answer to this as well, I'm also using Pro Tools 8 with DFH Superior Drummer. I've already done 1 song, and changing the velocities individually was very time consuming. There's masses of double kicks, so it has to be done.
Hey jarenare.

I do use Guitar Pro drums -> Midi -> Cubase.

Then i go to the track parameters and apply random velocity.

What numers do you use there? Or what is a good velocity to start off?

For example:
Velocity 170 + randomize -4 +4?
Or just randomize +150 +175?

In Cubase you can seperate the drum midi so every hihat etc. has it's on track....
Right click on the midi file and seperate parts.


I use that chain too, GP -> Midi -> Cubase :)

I usually separate the Midi track in two: snare and kick on one of them, and the rest of the kit in another one. The numbers to put on depends of the bpm and the style of the song.

In the demo of my band, I usually use -4 +4 for the snare-kick-toms track, and -10 +10 on the other one, but our songs are around 180-210 bpm and the drummer uses double bass a lot, so the notes needs to be more even.

The best is to increase the values until some notes starts to sound wrong.
How to get random velocities in Cubase made easy:

1º First, select all the notes that you want to randomize.

2º Click MIDI in the menu, then -> Logical Presets -> standard set 1 -> Random Velocity (60 to 100)

This will randomize all the velocities of the selected notes to be between 60 and 100. Of course, the velocities are very different now, but we can "compress" them to be more even.

Click Midi in the menu, then -> Functions -> Velocity. In the windows that appears, select Compress and just experiment with the ratio. When the ratio is low, the velocities will be compressed a lot.

Another thing that I usually do is use the Random options in the Track Parameters of the Midi track. You can add Position and Velocity random values there.


I want to take long windy walks with you.

This info is indeed, kickass.
Editing midi drums in logic couldn't be easier. Open piano roll by double clicking on the midi region, Functions->Transform.

From there you can select fixed velocity, or random velocity. I like to go to random but set a tighter window, like 120-127, then select and operate (if it's just one drum on the track). If there are several drums on the same midi track, select the drum you want by click on the piano key on the left side and it will highlight all of the midi notes on that key. That's how I move hits around to the correct sample as well.