

New Metal Member
Jan 3, 2006
M-Town, Oz
Gday all,

My name's Roddy, and I've just come over here coz another Metal forum I was on seems to have been violently slaughtered and sent spinning into the vilest demonpits of Hell.....

Anyway, I'm from Melbourne, Australia, a beautiful city in the South West of Oz-tralia, home of the greatest sport on earth, AFL Football, or Aussie rules, also of the Aussie Open tennis, Melbourne Cup horse race, Australian F1 Grand Prix, world motor cycle Grand Prix (well, that is down the road a bit!), 2006 Commonwealth Games, 1956 Olympics, and also the live music capital of Australia, if not the world. Don't believe the Sydney hype, folks, M-Town's the shit!!!!!

As far as Metal goes, I am a true believer....I've been a rabid consumer of Heavy music products for more than 2 decades, and my obsession with all things Heavy increases by the day. I seem to be FAR more open minded than most Metal heads....I refuse to dismiss stuff just coz others say it's 'Nu-Metal crap', or whatever. I love alot of what may be considered 'Nu-Metal' and I'm dubious as to whether such a genre even exists. I think it's just a convenient catch-all for the close minded to chuck all the bands they don't like into.

An exhaustive list of all the bands I love would take me into the middle of next week, but here is a start.....

RUSH (my all time favourite), Devin Townsend and SYL (a close 2nd), Pantera, Iron Maiden, Mudvayne, Tool, APC, Opeth, Nightwish, Children of Bodom, Slipknot, Priest, Lacuna Coil, Sabbath, early Metallica, Slayer, Dream Theater, Motorhead, Machine Head, 36 Crazyfists, Soilwork, RATM, KoRn, plus heaps of cool Aussie bands like Sunk Loto, Alarum, Frankenbok, The Amenta, Cog, Parkway Drive, Synthetic Breed, Dreadnaught..........

I play in a Heavy Rockin band called CREECH ( and I also write a monthly Rock and Metal column for a local street mag here in Melbourne.

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to discussing/debating stuff with you guys!!! I LOVE debating!!!!!!!!
