Sunday December 2nd 2001 Newcastle Trillions.
Well, at last I finally get to create the latest tour diary( 3 weeks late).Once again, it was a mad one and I think is currently in 1st place for how many disasters can happen in 3 days!
The gig was absolutely fantastic (in my own little opinion ) but goodness me, its going to take all day to write about the events that happened before we even got there. So this will have to be part one for now, and I will include the rest in another thread ..
The disasters started from early on Saturday morning. The original plan had been for the band to go to rehearsal, meet me and then head towards the gig.
So, Laura arrived at Lakis before going to rehearsal, and noticed that one of the tyres of the Van was flat. Closer inspection showed there was a lovely long nail sticking out of it. So they then had to pump the tyre full of air in order to get it to Robs where his dad attempted to change the tyre. Due to technical problems (namely a shit jack) this took a lot longer than planned so Rob and Steve went over to the studio to set up while
Lakis and Laura waited until the spare was put on. However, there was no way that we could risk the journey to Newcastle on the spare, so while they were at rehearsal, Robs dad went and got a new tyre.
Once rehearsal was over, the band were able to go home for a shower and a bit of a rest before getting on the road. Once again, this was far from simple.Lakis arrived at Lauras & then we had to go to Robs to get the tyre changed back well, so his dad could, but at least it gave us a chance to sort out all the gear that we had just slung in the side of the van.Once the tyre was on, we headed over to Steves to pick him up. Oh dear we
were sat in the kitchen drinking tea, while Steve finished getting his things together, when it dawned on us where were the keys to get into the caravan site? The answer? Hanging on a hook at Mias. and as it was already after midnight, we were going to be arriving to collect the caravan at about 2am - Keyless! Fortunately, Laura managed to persuade the couple who own the park to leave keys for us poor lambs so we wouldnt have to disturb them.
Sorted. Or not.
At around the same time, I reminded Lakis that the water and oil needed checking and filling up. And it was at this point that they noticed that the oil was running low .because the top had gone AWOL and it was spilling everywhere. Oh no! Panic really set in. There we were, nowhere near was open at that time of night that was going to sell a top to fit but there was no way we could travel without. Rob stood up with great determination and announced Right. We need to make a replacement Hang on, Ill get some wood, which lightened the mood for a moment. What he actually intended to do with the wood, we never discovered. We really started getting desperate, Steve tried to disassemble his own car to use his top, I think even a plastic bag and elastic band were mentioned at some stage. Finally, someone
discovered the handle of a screwdriver, which fit over the top, and was then secured with a cable tie. (the Blue Peter Solution ). Miraculously, it, and we, survived the journey ( or maybe that was just because Lakis wasnt
driving very much. LOL )
SO, you would think that our hastles were over and that all we had to do was get the caravan and depart. In fact, we got to the park, opened the gates and made virtually no noise at all. All was going well. Remembering that the last time we had got to the caravan site and reversed, we got a bit on the
stuck side, it was decided that we were going to drive to the gap at the end and turn round. Great plan- until we hit the mud. OH NO. Quite simply, stuck- again! Argh .!!! 2am, December weather and there we were in the middle of a field in the dark, pushing a van and getting very cold- and eventually muddy. Rob spent ages hammering bits of wood under the wheels to try and stop it sinking. We all built up muscles pushing that van.
Unfortunately, the more we were pushing it backwards and not quite making it out, the further it was rolling back down deeper into the mud, till the point where the exhaust was touching the floor. Laura rang the AA only to find out that they would have to send out a specialist vehicle, which would cost £90. Naturally it was felt we should continue trying ourselves. Lakis felt that it would help if he used magic to make the van lift up out of the
mud, and kept chanting Wingardium Leviosa in its general direction, followed with a swish and flick and every quote imaginable from the wonderful world of Harry Potter. He and I also spent a fair amount of time looking at all the frog cards we had collected to line up in the side window, and generally discussing the high points of the movie.
As all this was going on, Rob was virtually buried in the mud trying to find a way of getting the van out, Steve was having a smoke ( and revving the engine from time to time) and Laura was trying to recover from getting covered in mud, and making tea. Lakis, Steve and I were also keeping warm by running around under the security lights in order to stop them turning off- well, when Lakis wasnt doubled up with laughter.
He asked me to get a hat out of the van so he could keep his little head warm. I assumed he meant a beanie but I still said Do you want a beanie or what? well that was what I meant to say. However, the true Surrey Girl ( ie POSH accent ) showed her colours, as the question came out as would you like a beanie, wot? and with one sentence, turned Lakis into a guffawing
wreck. I spent the rest of the weekend being bombarded with Jolly good show, wot, would you like a tea, wot and other such amusing comments.
Oh well, always so nice to spread a little joy, and it did lighten the mood a little.
Every time the security lights plunged us into darkness, Rob muttered a bit more and got a lot more pissed off. The final straw came when he was trying to use the shit jack to lift the van up a little so he could get some rocks under the wheels to stop them slipping in the mud. At this point, the jack finally gave up the ghost and the van moved nowhere, while the jack went flying, followed by a long list of expletives. All the rest of us could
do was laugh, (poor Rob). Lakis, un-recovered from his earlier fit, was now virtually crying with laughter.
At this point, we decided to leave it till the morning, hoping that the AA was going to help. Inside the caravan was absolutely freezing cold, even with the heater and gas hob on. Laura and I discovered the public toilet had a sink, complete with running hot water and soap. Im not sure what was more relief - the chance to go to the toilet- or warming our hands up! We managed
to grab about 6 hours sleep, all wearing 80 layers. During the night, Rob took a wander to answer nature, and I narrowly escaped having my head stood on.
When we woke up, Laura rang the AA , only to be told that despite having been a member for years, and paying a ridiculous amount, there was no way they could come and help because we werent on a main road so they werent insured. Having been told in the politest of ways that this was crap they suddenly found that they were able to. In the end, all it needed was for a
bit of help in pulling from another vehicle, and there we were, out of the mud and ready to roll. Unfortunately in all the effort, Laura got covered in mud again, dirtying even more clothes and leaving her with lots of washing to look forward to.
Because of the time factor, and possibly because of the temperature, it was decided that instead of taking the caravan which would slow us down, we would take up the option of begging Lauras relatives, who live fairly near to Newcastle, to allow us to sleep on their floor after the gig ( they
kindly said yes!)
And so we got on the road Would we make it on time????
The answer, in part two, will follow shortly!!!!!!!!!!! .. (or when I get
chance to write it, wot)
PS Now go to part 2!!!!!!!!! the saga continues ....
Well, at last I finally get to create the latest tour diary( 3 weeks late).Once again, it was a mad one and I think is currently in 1st place for how many disasters can happen in 3 days!
The gig was absolutely fantastic (in my own little opinion ) but goodness me, its going to take all day to write about the events that happened before we even got there. So this will have to be part one for now, and I will include the rest in another thread ..
The disasters started from early on Saturday morning. The original plan had been for the band to go to rehearsal, meet me and then head towards the gig.
So, Laura arrived at Lakis before going to rehearsal, and noticed that one of the tyres of the Van was flat. Closer inspection showed there was a lovely long nail sticking out of it. So they then had to pump the tyre full of air in order to get it to Robs where his dad attempted to change the tyre. Due to technical problems (namely a shit jack) this took a lot longer than planned so Rob and Steve went over to the studio to set up while
Lakis and Laura waited until the spare was put on. However, there was no way that we could risk the journey to Newcastle on the spare, so while they were at rehearsal, Robs dad went and got a new tyre.
Once rehearsal was over, the band were able to go home for a shower and a bit of a rest before getting on the road. Once again, this was far from simple.Lakis arrived at Lauras & then we had to go to Robs to get the tyre changed back well, so his dad could, but at least it gave us a chance to sort out all the gear that we had just slung in the side of the van.Once the tyre was on, we headed over to Steves to pick him up. Oh dear we
were sat in the kitchen drinking tea, while Steve finished getting his things together, when it dawned on us where were the keys to get into the caravan site? The answer? Hanging on a hook at Mias. and as it was already after midnight, we were going to be arriving to collect the caravan at about 2am - Keyless! Fortunately, Laura managed to persuade the couple who own the park to leave keys for us poor lambs so we wouldnt have to disturb them.
Sorted. Or not.
At around the same time, I reminded Lakis that the water and oil needed checking and filling up. And it was at this point that they noticed that the oil was running low .because the top had gone AWOL and it was spilling everywhere. Oh no! Panic really set in. There we were, nowhere near was open at that time of night that was going to sell a top to fit but there was no way we could travel without. Rob stood up with great determination and announced Right. We need to make a replacement Hang on, Ill get some wood, which lightened the mood for a moment. What he actually intended to do with the wood, we never discovered. We really started getting desperate, Steve tried to disassemble his own car to use his top, I think even a plastic bag and elastic band were mentioned at some stage. Finally, someone
discovered the handle of a screwdriver, which fit over the top, and was then secured with a cable tie. (the Blue Peter Solution ). Miraculously, it, and we, survived the journey ( or maybe that was just because Lakis wasnt
driving very much. LOL )
SO, you would think that our hastles were over and that all we had to do was get the caravan and depart. In fact, we got to the park, opened the gates and made virtually no noise at all. All was going well. Remembering that the last time we had got to the caravan site and reversed, we got a bit on the
stuck side, it was decided that we were going to drive to the gap at the end and turn round. Great plan- until we hit the mud. OH NO. Quite simply, stuck- again! Argh .!!! 2am, December weather and there we were in the middle of a field in the dark, pushing a van and getting very cold- and eventually muddy. Rob spent ages hammering bits of wood under the wheels to try and stop it sinking. We all built up muscles pushing that van.
Unfortunately, the more we were pushing it backwards and not quite making it out, the further it was rolling back down deeper into the mud, till the point where the exhaust was touching the floor. Laura rang the AA only to find out that they would have to send out a specialist vehicle, which would cost £90. Naturally it was felt we should continue trying ourselves. Lakis felt that it would help if he used magic to make the van lift up out of the
mud, and kept chanting Wingardium Leviosa in its general direction, followed with a swish and flick and every quote imaginable from the wonderful world of Harry Potter. He and I also spent a fair amount of time looking at all the frog cards we had collected to line up in the side window, and generally discussing the high points of the movie.
As all this was going on, Rob was virtually buried in the mud trying to find a way of getting the van out, Steve was having a smoke ( and revving the engine from time to time) and Laura was trying to recover from getting covered in mud, and making tea. Lakis, Steve and I were also keeping warm by running around under the security lights in order to stop them turning off- well, when Lakis wasnt doubled up with laughter.
He asked me to get a hat out of the van so he could keep his little head warm. I assumed he meant a beanie but I still said Do you want a beanie or what? well that was what I meant to say. However, the true Surrey Girl ( ie POSH accent ) showed her colours, as the question came out as would you like a beanie, wot? and with one sentence, turned Lakis into a guffawing
wreck. I spent the rest of the weekend being bombarded with Jolly good show, wot, would you like a tea, wot and other such amusing comments.
Oh well, always so nice to spread a little joy, and it did lighten the mood a little.
Every time the security lights plunged us into darkness, Rob muttered a bit more and got a lot more pissed off. The final straw came when he was trying to use the shit jack to lift the van up a little so he could get some rocks under the wheels to stop them slipping in the mud. At this point, the jack finally gave up the ghost and the van moved nowhere, while the jack went flying, followed by a long list of expletives. All the rest of us could
do was laugh, (poor Rob). Lakis, un-recovered from his earlier fit, was now virtually crying with laughter.

At this point, we decided to leave it till the morning, hoping that the AA was going to help. Inside the caravan was absolutely freezing cold, even with the heater and gas hob on. Laura and I discovered the public toilet had a sink, complete with running hot water and soap. Im not sure what was more relief - the chance to go to the toilet- or warming our hands up! We managed
to grab about 6 hours sleep, all wearing 80 layers. During the night, Rob took a wander to answer nature, and I narrowly escaped having my head stood on.
When we woke up, Laura rang the AA , only to be told that despite having been a member for years, and paying a ridiculous amount, there was no way they could come and help because we werent on a main road so they werent insured. Having been told in the politest of ways that this was crap they suddenly found that they were able to. In the end, all it needed was for a
bit of help in pulling from another vehicle, and there we were, out of the mud and ready to roll. Unfortunately in all the effort, Laura got covered in mud again, dirtying even more clothes and leaving her with lots of washing to look forward to.
Because of the time factor, and possibly because of the temperature, it was decided that instead of taking the caravan which would slow us down, we would take up the option of begging Lauras relatives, who live fairly near to Newcastle, to allow us to sleep on their floor after the gig ( they
kindly said yes!)
And so we got on the road Would we make it on time????
The answer, in part two, will follow shortly!!!!!!!!!!! .. (or when I get
chance to write it, wot)
PS Now go to part 2!!!!!!!!! the saga continues ....