how do you get your kicks to be so noticeable ? my kicks are like drowned out in the mix alot ._.
Great start! I would look at cleaning up the editing as the intro is a little rough. Also personally I would watch out for your kick, you have focused the low end energy around 60Hz, the issue with this is: 1) A hi fi system will not reproduce 60Hz well and your kick will disappear. B) IF any consumer grade hi fi systems can reproduce this bottom end it will more than likely be very flabby.

You can keep these low end frequencies in your kick but personally I would recommend to avoid boosting them, try focusing your kick's energy around 80 - 90Hz, this way if a system can't reproduce 60Hz you will not loose your kick's balls.

All in all you have the right idea! These are only my personal suggestions that you may find beneficial or detrimental.