Newcomer to metal

Joe B

Newcomer to metal!
Apr 30, 2007
Eastbourne, UK
I have only been a metal fan for maybe 4 weeks! Background of post rock, electronic, ambient etc!

First downloaded the Bossk - 1 EP about 4 weeks ago, and it changed my opinion of metal (from something that I was never willing to try, into something I was excited to explore). For the introduction of metal, this was a perfect band. Started off nice and slow, similar to some post rock I listen to, and then gets louder. If I had heard something loud right away, I think maybe it would have put me off haha!

Anyway, I recently got into some folk metal and really like that kind of stuff. Like Negura, and other black metal, and doom metal. In a few weeks I will see Negura B live, looking forward to it a lot, it will be my first metal show too. And looking forward to getting deeper into metal, and using this site! Looks pretty good :D


Joe :)