Newest Mix (Deathcore)


Dirty Man-Horse
Jan 14, 2008
Hey guys here is my newest mix. Tell me what you think and what could use some work.

Guitars - POD
Drums - Superior/Slate
Bass - UAD
Vocals - MXL ( Getting a SM7b this week though )

only listening through my macbook speakers atm, but the vocals are way too loud. Can't say I'm a fan of the vocal technique either. His highs are alot better IMO. I'll give you some more feedback later when I'm home with my monitors =P
Theres something about this mix I cant put my finger on, not sure if i like it or not yet. Thats probably what everyone else is hung on too. The kick is very machine gun like and too programmed sounding for my tastes. There, thats my input.