New speakers new mix


Aug 13, 2009
got me some focal twin 6be's. by far the best investment i've made!

instantly my mixes got better, i was hearing shit that i couldn't pinpoint before on my yamaha hs50m's.

work in progress: it forge master 22.mp3

axe fx guitars
slate drums mostly
masters one cymbals
uad-1 nigel bass

i always wondered if speakers could really impact a mix, and yeah it can!
Wow. Crispy as fuck! Guitars MIGHT be a bit loud but I'm not sure if it's just the unbelievable crispiness :D Anyways really sweet job dude!

Oh, and congratulations on your new speakers!
agreed... the gtrs can come down a bit (imo).

the drums seem a tad artificial and you can probably improve the "glue" of the entire mix. but i really like the song, it's really well written and entertaining. some of the phrasing is really cool! :)

the bass doesn't sound half-bad either!

nice job mate! ...and congratz on the new monitors! ;)
thanks guys!

yeah agree on the drums, they are 100% programmed, and i have yet to play with velocity automation.

this i basically to give the band so they can go track the vocals over it then i will get back the vocal takes and then i will fine-tune the whole mix and try and get it all nice!

the tracking of this ep was done entirely in the bands bedroom (one of them, they don't share a bedroom.... i think :P) and im just doing the mixing / mastering.

do you guys think its volume the guitars have too much of or maybe they just need a bit of a mid scoop? ive noticed they are quite mid heavy compared to other cd's.

thanks for the feedback! :D
i don't know what amp you are using for the guitars but... honestly; it seems too fizzy for this style. maybe you should try a different amp?

something vintage, with a ts in front. and (depending on the part) ...not so much drive.

i would also eq the upper frequency content and limit them individually... for sharper detail.
guitars were axe fx recorded line out, with no DI :(

as i said this wasnt tracked by me, just have to use what i was given. there was alot more fizz to begin with, i've cut it out heaps and multiband compressed the highend, alot of subtractive eq going on here.

so as far as changing the tone, not possible :(

when you say limit them individually what do you mean exactly?

thanks for the input tim, i'm still learning for the most part!
place a limiter on each guitar channel.

try filtering to 8k and try boosting around 7k.

if you don't have anymore control over the gtrs, it's best to rely on subtractive equalization.