Newest mix!

Cant comment on the style as I know fuck all about it. Snare is killing me, popping out everywhere with a wet paper bag kinda thing going on. Sometimes the song sounds as though its out of time for some reason. Cymbals going on in the background is overkill, as in the amount of times that they are played.
Leads sounded great, like the chunky rhythm parts. So, I'd keep most of what you have got, horn down on cymbal usage and change up the snare sound.
Yeah like said before, the cymbals are cained but are pushed reeallly far back so they are kinda just adding noise,

speaking of noise there was some right at the beginning before the music, I'm gonna guess guitar amp? may wanna sort that.

sort out timing issues, (retrack, editing job?)

synth sounds a bit forward, reverb/lowpass? or just turn the fucker down

you seem to have the lowmid overwhelming guitar thing going on, eq those guitars or turn em down they are far too present imo.

I actually liked the solo tone, just sort some automation for it easily get's lost in the mix afterwards

I'm new to mixing metal (not new to metal) so I may be well off but these are just things I would change if it was my mix,

well done though
The drums were Superior drummer 2.0. It's really hard to dial in on everything I have to do because I don't have a pair of monitors, just a shitty pair of headphones (which will lead to my downfall) But I basically have to bounce it and give it a listen through my pretty decent speakers. That is if my audio codecs decide to work (for some reason windows 7 + pro tools = audio codecs uninstall randomly)

Thanks for all the suggestions though, Im going to probably re-record the guitars with an actual metronome this time. Couldn't exactly get it to work last time because I just use a cowbell in guitar pro and export it but if you don't have audio codecs installed...well you can't do that..