Newest recordng. (slate samples and pod)


yeah well.
Feb 26, 2008
I did this in a vey short time frame. This is my bands new song minus vocals. I guess brianhood will track vocals since our vocalist just got married and has no time to come down to my place to track them. This in my opinion is my best recording, but it is definitely not great by any means. Drums are slate samples with overheads using rode m3s. Guitars are pod triple rec and diezel (sp) presets that I made. Bass is pod as well. There are a few parts that need to be fixed that are a little out of tune and maybe a foul note. But otherwise. Any criticism? Stuff/in irons first mixdown.mp3
i reckon you could get away with boosting the highs on the snare a bit, definately.
shelf boost at 8khz. add some crack at 5khz, should sound better.
I will definitely give that a try. I mixed it with tired ears. Just so I could have something to listen to. I'm going to remix it today and add tha eq boost and see how It sounds.
I did this in a vey short time frame. This is my bands new song minus vocals. I guess brianhood will track vocals since our vocalist just got married and has no time to come down to my place to track them. This in my opinion is my best recording, but it is definitely not great by any means. Drums are slate samples with overheads using rode m3s. Guitars are pod triple rec and diezel (sp) presets that I made. Bass is pod as well. There are a few parts that need to be fixed that are a little out of tune and maybe a foul note. But otherwise. Any criticism? Stuff/in irons first mixdown.mp3

Drums: I love the drum sound you've got going on that's great, but my criticisms are, the hats pop out far too much and you need to humanise your drums slightly more because they feel too machine like to me.

Guitars: Sound good, but possibly try quad tracking to make them sound a bit bigger.

Bass: The high end of this keeps popping out big time, if you're looking for a really smooth bass sound, I'd compress the fuck out of it and take everything out above 250hz as it is in-fact a BASS!

The mix: It very much feels compact, the width is fine, but maybe try heightening the mix by accenting exactly where you want things to be, give the cymbals some more high, give the kick some sub-bass and try fitting your snare in the centre by taking away some low end.
This is a wonderful and unified mix. I like the tones. The performance is also top notch.

My suggestions: Everything lacks a bit of high. I would high shelf the guitars, and the entire drum bus up a db or two if not more to taste.

Roll of some lows on the toms, they can get a bit muddy. This style of music is very cool.
Bass: The high end of this keeps popping out big time, if you're looking for a really smooth bass sound, I'd compress the fuck out of it and take everything out above 250hz as it is in-fact a BASS!

terrible suggestion:puke:
for bass, just put a limiter on it and perhaps take off some 4 or 5khz

my complaints with the mix would be the kick needs more low end(perhaps you high passed too much). Try high passing at 70hz.

If you have a compressor on the overheads, take it off and use a limiter instead. Set the threshold so that it kills the snare without affecting any except the hardest hit of the cymbals.

and add a bit of brightness to the guitars.

other than that, it sounds pretty good hoss
i talked to jeff tonight about setting up a date to do vocals:headbang:
it will be a while though...

is joseph still mixing this?
Thanks for the bass preset. Any tips on what you used for the guitars?

they are also pod farm.

one tip. and i have learned this to be crucial to the mix.

set all of your amp eq flat. whether it be pod farm or real amp. sounds crazy i know. but do all of your eq in your DAW. i thought especially with pod. i got a fairly real sound doing it this way.
This is a wonderful and unified mix. I like the tones. The performance is also top notch.

My suggestions: Everything lacks a bit of high. I would high shelf the guitars, and the entire drum bus up a db or two if not more to taste.

Roll of some lows on the toms, they can get a bit muddy. This style of music is very cool.

i remixed it a while back and forgot to post it.

i just posted it again