Newness of me


New Metal Member
Mar 21, 2006
Leeds, UK
Im Zoe, Zoeh, Zoeh Babeh or Skittle if you like. *Waves*

I lead a boring life and am not that exciting myself. I love Metallica, 1349, Cannibal Corpse, Pantera, Megadeth, Nevermore, Children of Bodom and Dragonforce to name a few..

Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy - the joy of being Zoe Jones - and I ask myself in rapture: What wonderful things is Zoe Jones going to accomplish today?
Nothing is mostly the answer.

Three things I never want to hear again in my life:
Anything about clowns because they scare the shit out of me
Anything about toes/feet or toenails because I seem to get stuck in conversations about them often enough
And.....ok ill get back to you on the third one.

As you can tell ive got way too much time on my hands and can go on about utter bollocks for a lifetime.

Im usually in a good mood depending on what day you talk to me.

I sometimes try to take over the world but it's not going down too well recently hehe.

Right im off....Shwey :kickass:
Haha great intro, welcome to the funny farm :p

Clowns. Clowns with big feet. Clowns with long toenails. Toenails. Feet. Clowns.

Couldn't resist :lol:
and blow yourself up together with the robots? Not very smart. I'll instruct you in the ways of the ninja.
First of all: read my sig, then join
Second of all: when you're a ninja, clowns and robots can't see you cuz you can sneak
Last of all: if you really want to take em out from a distance, we have ninja-stars to throw. If you practice a little, you can throw quite correct