News of the day (yesterday)

Curious how causing trauma to a woman and her child is ok and even funny if cleverly executed, but sending a squirrel sailing to its probable doom is unacceptable behavior even when done in a humorous fashion.

Humans are strange animals.
Causing trauma is not nearly the same as killing something or causing it physical pain. Yeah the mother's probably gonna freak out for a while until she finds out her kid is HIV negative, after which she will hopefully think twice about letting the little monster run around biting people as it pleases.
Yep. The difference is that when all is said and done, the mother and son are perfectly fine, they just learned a valuable lesson the hard way. The squirrels were caused physical pain. The difference is night and day to me.
Curious how causing trauma to a woman and her child is ok and even funny if cleverly executed, but sending a squirrel sailing to its probable doom is unacceptable behavior even when done in a humorous fashion.

Humans are strange animals.

I can transcend human values with the best of them but you gotta lay off it hardcore.

Curious how causing trauma to a woman and her child is ok and even funny if cleverly executed, but sending a squirrel sailing to its probable doom is unacceptable behavior even when done in a humorous fashion.

Humans are strange animals.

Because that kid will go up to be a person. :ill:

A squirrel is always a squirrel. :notworthy