news: Osama bin Laden is dead!

There are piles of books available on that document all this stuff.

The connections and history between the Bush family, the Saudi "nobility", the CIA, the bin Laden family and al Qaeda, Kissinger, Brzezinski, etc. etc. are all thoroughly documented.

It doesn't matter whether planes, nukes, nanothermite, or cheese puffs were used to bring down the WTC, a group of militant Arabs (which were created prior to WWII by British Intelligence and have been funded either directly or indirectly by British Intelligence, and then US Intelligence, for various destabilization projects and geostrategic purposes) did not suddenly change teams and independently act and outwit the entire US military and Intelligence branch(es).
Great news indeed!! I have'nt been around for the past week but it was great to hear that they killed this dude.I'm sure all the weird misinformation has been fuelling these conspiracy theories.
I hear that al-quaeda was planning to derail a train in the states.
I'll never forget seeing those towers go down on tv,just utter disbelief.Hopefully they can contain any further or imminent attacks.
They really should've doused the cunt in pigs blood and released a video of it,that would get the horrible little fuckers going...douse the whole continent in pigs blood!
Apparently it's more 'mainstream' to believe that this is all a hoax, pretty worrying really. Why the hell would they fake his death now? Surely the Bush government would've done it if they could've.
Well, who cares? Conspiracy theorizing as a general cognitive style is pretty much retarded. Assorted quacks have only been coming up with elaborate conspiracy theories for pretty much every major modern world event that's ever happened. Perhaps it wouldn't be too far off base to conclude that it's incredibly fucking easy to come up with some retarded conspiracy theory for pretty much any fucking thing ever (but the conspiracy theorist would presumably not take this to undermine his or her cognitive style, but instead as a confirmation of his or her theories.) Or, on the other hand, if you find this cognitive style intellectually questionable, maybe you're a stupid rube who believes everything CNN tells you. You see, I can make up fictional positions too.

This is very well-written mate
Everyone is a conspiracy theorist, it's just a matter of who you believe is conspiring what, and to what end.

Terrorism (at least large scale), by nature, requires a conspiracy.
So, there's footage of bin Laden watching Obama give a speech. So there goes the conspiracy theories that he's been dead for several years.
Everyone is a conspiracy theorist, it's just a matter of who you believe is conspiring what, and to what end.

No, people who aren't conspiracy theorists don't typically accept the extravagant, unparsimonious explanations that conspiracy theorists are so fond of.