News / Politics

Hey Chris, say hello to your buddies Wilson and Nick. And pass on my prayers to Tony Abbott. I love the Liberal Party because they're so... kerazy!!!
Tucky = annoying.
Abbott = annoying, although he's posturing himself nicely, as though his conservatism won't entirely be transmitted to policy. I still don't think he's a great choice for libertarians like myself, but he's better than...
Hockey = soft. Another Turnbull. He would try to unite the party by giving the Minchinites a peace offering of delaying the ETS vote, which is good, but in the long term, his leadership would fall apart because he stands for nothing, and would just be another Nelson/Turnbull.
Minchin = the Libs' greatest asset. Solid on almost everything, stands for something, smart, savvy guy, and will differentiate the Libs from Labor. But the man is in the upper house. Which means that if Abbott gets it, and Minchin can call the shots, good.
Otherwise, they're pretty much fucked.
Oh, and Turnbull can't lead. After the damage caused by being compared to Mugabe and Hitler by HIS OWN PARTY MEMBERS, IN THE SAME NIGHT, I don't think one can recover credibility after that.
Tucky = annoying.
Abbott = annoying, although he's posturing himself nicely, as though his conservatism won't entirely be transmitted to policy. I still don't think he's a great choice for libertarians like myself, but he's better than...
Hockey = soft. Another Turnbull. He would try to unite the party by giving the Minchinites a peace offering of delaying the ETS vote, which is good, but in the long term, his leadership would fall apart because he stands for nothing, and would just be another Nelson/Turnbull.
Minchin = the Libs' greatest asset. Solid on almost everything, stands for something, smart, savvy guy, and will differentiate the Libs from Labor. But the man is in the upper house. Which means that if Abbott gets it, and Minchin can call the shots, good.
Otherwise, they're pretty much fucked.
Oh, and Turnbull can't lead. After the damage caused by being compared to Mugabe and Hitler by HIS OWN PARTY MEMBERS, IN THE SAME NIGHT, I don't think one can recover credibility after that.

I can't believe me of all people has been neglecting the politics thread!

The funny thing watching the libs tear themselves apart is that it is fairly similar to what Labor did, and now it is even more clear why there aren't many 1 term governments as it's the holding of power and the wanting to keep that power that manages to keep all the people in the party "towing the party line" regardless of their personal views.

When a party is in opposition and way behind in the polls, they start tearing each other apart arguing about why they are in opposition.

Labor started off ok with Kim Beazley in that they party was generally united behind him, but when he failed the party was a rabble for several years and was never 100% unified behind any leader until they got so sick of being in opposition that Rudd got them to unify behind him even though not everyone in the party likes him.

The Libs have been a bit quicker to tear each other apart than Labor were, but essentially it's the same cycle. I don't really feel the Libs have a great leader that is electable at the moment and regardless of what Rudd does they'll probably get killed at the next election, whilst will mean they'll be so far behind it'll be hard to win the one after that either..... Which means it'll be the election in about 6 years time that will be the real fight.

Having said that, you never know what is going to happen. What I've put forward is just what I think is most likely. In general the general public look at the government and either decide.... yes or no. Then IF they say no, they then turn to the opposition and go.... "Is this guy/party electable", and if the answer is yes, they put him in. If the answer is no, they stick with the government even if they don't really like them.

The best example of this theory in action is the Latham/Howard contest. There was massive unhappiness with Howard and many people were keen to get rid of him, but in the end they looked over at Latham and thought he was too much of a risk so they stuck with Howard for one more term in the hope that Labor would have someone more electable next time. Next time then rolled around and Labor had a clear electable candidate and won easily.
The biggest difference though, here, is that since '07 nobody has known what the Libs were about. Nelson was a good guy, but flip-flopped on too much too early, and lost it. Same with Turnbull, who never really stood for anything. Now, whether or not we like Abbott, we know pretty much where he stands. The real question is how he unites the party (this will take a few issues I am sure). He's got the anti-ETS crowd behind him, which is great, but then the question is whether or not he maintains his self-admitted 'divisiveness' or whether he does some proper liberal things. The best thing he could possibly do now would be to take a flamethrower to the Stalinist internet filter.

Let's face it, the people who hate Abbott the most are the young people - the socially liberal people who have grown up around gay people, seeing women in high positions, who have perhaps tried some drugs, who use and understand the internet, with the presence of a genuine debate about religion, etc. So if Abbott can get the people on side who don't particularly care about politics but just don't want people fucking with their internet, he could gain himself a massive amount of popularity. Hell, I might like him a little more! Still not sure if it will take the Libs to the election likely to win, but it would increase their chances greatly.
So The Tote has closed, the Arthouse is closing.... gotta love these Victorian Liquor licensing laws. Awesome!

In all seriousness, I'm getting some contact details for the government minister responsible for these new laws and will be posting up contact details so that people can send through emails expressing their disgust at the effect these laws are having on our live music scene.

Gotta get all political activist and save our scene. \m/
I'm already on top of that mate! I've emailed Peter Batchelor, new Minister for the Arts (replaced Kosky, who was Arts and Transport). People at my work convinced me to ask for a meeting with him, so we'll see if that eventuates. Half as an advocate for deregulators, half as an advocate for musicians! I got a piece up on Online Opinion about the effect of the laws on local music.
Fear not, Tim, I'm on the case! But yeah, seriously, everybody GET ON TO THIS. Write letters. Write emails. Make phonecalls. Make them to Robinson and Batchelor. Yell at the opposition ministers with those portfolios.


Batchelor, The Honourable Peter

Minister for the Arts and Minister for Energy and Resources.
Manager, Government Business in the Legislative Assembly
Electorate office –
274 High St, Thomastown 3074
(PO Box 219, Thomastown 3074)
Tel: 9465 7533
Fax: 9465 3656

Green, Ms Danielle Louise

Parliamentary Secretary for Police and Emergency Services
Suite 3/14 Yan Yean Rd, Diamond Creek 3089
(Box 376, Diamond Creek 3089)
Tel: 9432 9782
Fax: 9432 9793

Helper, Mr Jochen (Joe)

Minister for Agriculture and Minister for Small Business
177 High St, Maryborough 3465
(PO Box 175, Maryborough 3465)
Tel: 5461 1255
Fax: 5461 1631

Merlino, Mr James

Minister for Sport Recreation and Youth Affairs, Assisting the Premier on Multicultural Affairs
Electorate office –

1635 Burwood Hwy, Belgrave 3160
Tel: 9754 5401
Fax: 9754 5427

Baillieu, Mr Edward (Ted) Norman

Leader of the Opposition (also Shadow Minister for Arts)
Electorate Office –
325 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell 3124
Tel: 9882 4088
Fax: 9882 4051

Ryan, Mr Peter Julian

Leader of The Nationals
Shadow Minister for Police and Emergency Services
54B Cunninghame St, Sale 3850
(PO Box 145, Sale 3850)
Tel: 5144 1987
Fax: 5144 7086

Delahunty, Mr Hugh Francis
Shadow Minister for Youth Affairs

114 Firebrace St, Horsham 3400
(PO Box 41, Horsham 3402)
Tel: 5382 0097
Fax: 5381 1177

McIntosh, Mr Andrew John
Shadow Minister for Corrections
Shadow Minister for Crime Prevention
Shadow Minister for Integrity of Government

Suite 1, 400 High St, Kew 3101
Tel: 9853 2999
Fax: 9853 1299
Don't fool yourselves. Clubs closing down is basically more of a reaction to the fact that not many people frequent them. If larger numbers of people attended gigs this wouldn't be happening and don't get me started on how music is ruled by the sale of alcohol; I'm sick and tired of hearing how underage fans cannot get to see their fave bands live because of these very such licences. That's just absurd.

Seriously, get creative (death metal is not exactly a maturely acquired taste...don't have time for that), times are changing now, use venues that do not rely on alcohol and allow all ages to appreciate music as they have every right to. Music is a right not an age defining alcohol dependent privilege!! Specifically, death metal bands who disregard underage fans for any gigs are basically shooting themselves in the foot.

Maybe the days and notions of a 'live gig' are dying, buying actual cds have obviously and violently declined in recent times, so perhaps this stumbling block may enable those entrepreneurial enough to come up with new avenues or ways of performing to satisfy both themsleves and fans. All in all…these are and can be exciting times.

ps btw I do drink :kickass:
What you're missing out on is that the vast majority of profit that the venues collect is from alcohol sales. It's unlikely that a place would survive at the prices they charge without selling something to cover electricity, rent, staff pay, stock, and the various license types (POPE licenses, liquor licenses and all that goes with them).
I'm not keen on that being 'the way it is', but it is. Having said that, when I go to a gig, I'm happy to help the venue by buying a drink or six :P

Had a talk from Christopher Monckton today. The guy is a little bit of a loony, but some of the things he says are very real and very serious. He got a scathing mention in The Age today, referred to as a 'high priest of climate change scepticism', haha! High priest...
did gaz and i see you walk down little bourke st this afternoon doig? i saw a guy in a suit with long hair and thought it looked like you :o

perhaps someone can enlighten me on this whole settlement building seems to me that israel would save pretty much everyone a whole load of grief by NOT BUILDING STUFF. why are they constantly having talks on the go with palestine and shooting those talks in the foot constantly by allowing settlers to keep doing whatever they're doing? in pretty much every news article i've read on the topic, there's never a justification given by israeli authorities for expansion, just 'the settlement will keep on going' and '[party X] is making us angry and sabotaging discussion by objecting to us building houses'. pretty gutsy considering they didn't even own the land until after WW2 when it was given to them by international consensus.
I try and keep out of the Middle East conflict. One, it doesn't really affect me and two, it's a gigantic hassle! I have a broad ideological view of it but that's about it.

Very sad news for the Liberal party today, Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Nick Minchin won't be contesting the next election. The best the Libs had for sure. Experienced, intelligent, solid on just about everything. We'll miss him!
So we have a whole bunch of people posting political news until we have a Federal election called - and then it goes silent!?
Advice! Advice!