Newsflash: Warrel Dane's child will have a penis on his forehead!

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Kristin: i don't know who the father is
dsm: it was Warrel Dane
dsm: Warrel Dane's child will be born with a long beard and long blonde hair
SirDidymus: no
NdX: hahaha
SirDidymus: he won't
dsm: lol
SirDidymus: he'll have a penis on his forehead
dsm: hahahahaahha
*the instigator*

MeRcYSeVeRiTy113: *psstttt.*
MeRcYSeVeRiTy113: *say nevermore lyricS*
MeRcYSeVeRiTy113: *you'll fit in*
MeRcYSeVeRiTy113: lol
WeeZer949601: umm
WeeZer949601: "I'M ANGRY"

*the response*

IfGodDidNotExist: hahahaha
nvrmr2feeldpain: hahahahaahahahahaha
MeRcYSeVeRiTy113: hahaha
KrisTINd1223: haha
WeeZer949601: lol
CharredSacrifice: lolololololol
WeeZer949601: lol
IfGodDidNotExist: hahaahahahaah
MeRcYSeVeRiTy113: lolol
IfGodDidNotExist: ahaha
nvrmr2feeldpain: *falls over laughing*
IfGodDidNotExist: aaaaaaaaaaahahahaa
MeRcYSeVeRiTy113: hahahahaha

*The Rebuttal*

WeeZer949601: i try
wow - may i join your cause? that being "turning this board into a pile of shit"

i say we call ourselves the F.O.C.K. - federation of cocky kids... who's with me?!?!

wait, the answer to that is an obvious 'no one is with you steve, you have nobody, go live your life alone'

yeah, i'm going to go shoot myself in the face now - peace out.
i'm with you steve.... i just joined the board... yet i'm ready to send it to hell... LET'S TEAR DOWN THE RANKS......

gentlemen..... DESTRRRRRROOOOOY!!!!! *dun dun dun da dun*

FretsAflame said:
try very very hard to not send it to hell - at least participate in/start serious threads once a day...

Words of fucking wisdom.