newsletter April 11, 2005 - back on the road


veteran headbanger \m/
Jan 3, 2002
Regina, SK, Canada
It feels great to be back on the road again! All the guys are at 90% feeling good right now, so everyone is happy. The moral is up now that we feel better. There is nothing worse than getting sick on the road.

Last night we ended up going to a karaoke bar here in Calgary on our day off. We all got up and started belting out the hits! It was a fun night. Stu was going off, ripping out "Painkiller" and "Run To The Hills". He was singing certain parts even higher, which I thought was funny as hell. I stuck to the Skid Row songs because I think it brought a tear to the table. Plus Sebastian Bach rules!!

The Winnipeg show was one of the best shows on the tour. It seems like the crowd was hungry for the metal. It's tough touring at this time with all the other tours, but there was a lot of fans still. I don't know why we don't go to Winnipeg more often.

The hometown Regina show was a bit dissapointing for us. A lot of our friends were there though, so that was nice. Everybody seemed to have a good time. I think it will be good to have an all ages show next time. That will happen when we roll through town as part of a package with Hate Eternal. It was cool to see everyone again.

Edmonton rules! That is always the case. It seems like it is becoming the metal Capital of the West. Brian the promoter treated us very well. He is a standup guy. The fans had a circle pit going and were singing along to all the songs. Now it feels like a hometown show when we hit that city.

Tonight is Calgary. We have 2 other bands on the bill again tonight , so it should be a good time. Divinity and Blacksky did well in Edmonton and this show will be the same.

Hopefully we will get to meet everyone out on the road. The sickness is fading, so we are going to come out and kick ass!!

keep it metal!

Thanks for breaking the news on my birthday ;)

Great to hear you guys are getting healthy and back into the swing of things! :rock:
It's funny that Tim says that the Regina show was disappointing. Maybe it was disappointing for them but it sure as hell wasn't for me. I've seen Into Eternity play countless times and that was _BY FAR_ the best show I have ever seen them play. Period. Everyone that was there treated to something very special.
Yeah the turnout was fairly low, but the advertising was even lower!
If it wasn't for Saskmetal, I wouldn't have heard about this show...
Even A&B Sound was barren of posters and they usually have every gig up...
LOL, i just posted this on saskmetal........

About advertising, what does a show in Regina need to reach metalheads in Regina? Don't people check out websites (bands, venues, forums)? Talk with their friends? It's not like it was a last minute thing. All the shows I hear about and go to, I find out online or in one Dutch magazine I read.
I can only speak for myself but I usually hear about them on web sites or posters. There will be a bigger turnout for the all ages show for sure.
I agree that their last show in Regina wasn't promoted very well. Hearing from the band first hand and Saskmetal were the only ways I heard about the show. A lot of people who go to shows don't even go on saskmetal so there should of been more ways to get the information out. I also agree with the all ages show. More people will attend, and a wicked mosh pit will be made with all the young people who like getting brutally hurt. hahaha
the winnipeg show was awesome. glad to hear the band had a good time as well (despite still be pretty sick at that show).

the band will get to see another new venue later this year with strato (and probably on the hate eternal tour as well).

for all the guys in IE. when you do play here at The Pyramid, the bartender has a very strong resemblence to Dio. you'll see it right away.