I've got a question regarding your newsletter. Some months ago I subscribed to the newsletter, but I did not receive one ever since. I subscribed once again several weeks ago, but nothing happened again. I also checked my spam filter and I did not notice a Pyra-mail, but maybe I've overseen it among the 1000s of spam mails. 
Should I receive a welcome-to-the-newsletter-email after subscribing? Or how often is this newsletter sent out to us fans?
I check this forum and your homepage frequently, so I would not need the newsletter necessarily to stay up to date, but I thought it would be nice to receive some Pyra-mail too.

Should I receive a welcome-to-the-newsletter-email after subscribing? Or how often is this newsletter sent out to us fans?
I check this forum and your homepage frequently, so I would not need the newsletter necessarily to stay up to date, but I thought it would be nice to receive some Pyra-mail too.
