NEXT SHOW June 22 in Utah!!

Thanks for coming back to Utah, and blazing up Kamikazes - great show last night! I am the guy who was wearing the Sabbath t-shirt, and talked to you at the merch' table at the end.

Linda - I was thinking more about it, and it was 8 or 9 years ago that I saw you last, at Liquid Joe's. You had a singer then who liked a lot of the Paul Di'anno era stuff, and if I remember, you played "Gengis Khan" that night. It was amazing. The two times before that were about 10 years ago at the (now defunct) Zephyr Club in downtown Salt Lake City. Those shows were with the original "Bruce Chickinson". I'll never forget the skull belt buckle (medallion) she had, exactly like the one Bruce wore for "Live After Death". I also remember her telling the story that she was actually there in 1984/85 at Long Beach Arena for that show! (or shows)

Nili - I listened to your solo CD today, and it was fantastic. I like the way you mix it up, and ride different styles ... really smooth and rich texture. You ripped on that 7-string last night - my pleasure

Nikki - Thanks so much - love you

Kirsten - Is it true what you said toward the end of the show, that this line-up is so rare that it might not ever happen again? Every line-up I have seen has had its own flavor, and this one was definitely a treat!

i missed another one....:(:( i'll go sit in the corner.

:lol: But sorry you missed the show... It was super fun and a great audience! :kickass:

Also, re line-up rarity, Courtney (Adrianna Smith) is a permanent member and was only absent due to an initial schedule conflict. So she is normally always the one in the Adrian Smith position.
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";10653080 said:
It was super fun and a great audience! :kickass:

That was definitely a good time. I can't believe you out-lasted me on the first "running low" vocal on "Hallowed Be Thy Name". I was trying my best to hang with you, but ran out of air about a second before you took a breath! Have you ever passed out while singing that one?

It's gotta be one of my favorite Bruce vocals in the whole catalog, followed closely by "Revelations" and then maybe "Sun and Steel" and "Children of the Damned".

That was definitely a good time. I can't believe you out-lasted me on the first "running low" vocal on "Hallowed Be Thy Name". I was trying my best to hang with you, but ran out of air about a second before you took a breath! Have you ever passed out while singing that one?

It's gotta be one of my favorite Bruce vocals in the whole catalog, followed closely by "Revelations" and then maybe "Sun and Steel" and "Children of the Damned".


heh heh, "Hallowed" ain't nearly as bad as as the final ascending note in "Where Eagles Dare," or the yell mid "Infinite Dreams." Both can leave me light-headed. :goggly:
That ascending vocal in "Where Eagles Dare" is amazing. Personally, I won't be attempting that one!

I remember that Maiden used to open with that song while touring on Piece of Mind.

Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";10653080 said:
Also, re line-up rarity, Courtney (Adrianna Smith) is a permanent member and was only absent due to an initial schedule conflict. So she is normally always the one in the Adrian Smith position.

Well, it definitely felt like something special, and I consider myself lucky to have caught the show. It's been over a week, and I am still thinking about it. I'm so glad you came to Ogden, since I live there now, and Kamikazes was the ticket. Kinda weird how that place used to be a church.

Nikki mentioned that she rotates with Nili :flame: Maybe I'll get a chance to catch Courtney some day (or Nita). It was good to see the great Steph Harris and Linda McBurrain again after all these years (they're both so good, and have so much fun playing) along with the new members since my last Iron Maidens experience.
Well, it definitely felt like something special, and I consider myself lucky to have caught the show. It's been over a week, and I am still thinking about it. I'm so glad you came to Ogden, since I live there now, and Kamikazes was the ticket. Kinda weird how that place used to be a church.

That is so cool to hear! :) I really liked that Kamikazes was a former church--great architecture!