Next step up from RNP/RNLA ?


Dec 1, 2006
sup peoples. im buzzing out to the new chaimira mix andy did. it sounds fucking huge. subdrops rule!! gonna be getting a fireface 800 shortly, and im considering an upgrade in pre from my RNP. i love it and all, but id like to now move up in the world a bit. get a bigger more pro vocal sound. im considering a rode k2 as well. it should have some kinda compression. i always use a kinda slow attack quick release kinda deal on vocals on the way in. the RNLA has a real thick sound, which is good.

any reccommendations? not too expensive please, somewhere about the $1200 region. id love an api, but i would like both my kidneys right now.
whoops..i guess i should has to be 2 channel. and id looove it to sound big and modern kinda, but still warm.
sup peoples. im buzzing out to the new chaimira mix andy did. it sounds fucking huge. subdrops rule!! gonna be getting a fireface 800 shortly, and im considering an upgrade in pre from my RNP. i love it and all, but id like to now move up in the world a bit. get a bigger more pro vocal sound. im considering a rode k2 as well. it should have some kinda compression. i always use a kinda slow attack quick release kinda deal on vocals on the way in. the RNLA has a real thick sound, which is good.

any reccommendations? not too expensive please, somewhere about the $1200 region. id love an api, but i would like both my kidneys right now.

hey man. the rnp delivers a pro vocal sound with the right mic. and of course the singer helps as well. i am in the same boat as you although i am not unhappy or going to get rid of my rnp anytime soon(or ever?).

the fact is that for a two-channel pre that will be noticable higher quality sounding than an rnp is going to be over 1200.00 for sure. what i would do(actually what i am going to do) is keep the rnp because it works great on everything and even something more expensive and "better" may very well not be as versatile as the rnp. i am going to get a single channel pre for the very reasons you mentioned. i may pick up a chameleon labs 7602 which i have heard great things about and the price is great (800.00 new with psu). or if i can afford it i will step up to a great river or vintech x73 or chandler or something in that league. read up on the chameleon labs 7602. it sounds pretty darn good for the cash.

out of curiousity, what mics do you use with your rnp and what effects do you use while mixing. i consistently get great sounding vox out of the rnp with almost any mic(with a good singer that is).
What would you guys suggest I get?

A better mic would be the first place to upgrade.

Zorran - the RNP is fine like Pauly said. You're gonna get 4 good pres on the FF800, too. What mic are you using right now? I'm guessing that's your weakest link.
@ pauly and metalkingdom : my main condenser is an m audio sputnik. although tube mics are a bit of marketing and all that, it does a really good job. captures all the nuances etc, but i guess im just a gearwhore :p

i use the rnla on the way in, and urs compressors (usually the 1970 comp/limiter) on the main vocal. i guess i should just save my money and then add another pre like an avalon or something a bit further down the chain.

oh yeah and that presonus adl600 looks pretty freaking sexy! they cost about $3200 NZD here though..but i think i might take paulys advice and save up for something a bit more high end :)
The M Audio Sputnik is gorgeous, I heard samples. Such a warm microphone. I think RNP + sputnik should work out just fine. Maybe you need to fiddle with them a little more?
Upgrade to what? I like the sound of the NT1, sounds crisp and clear to me...

Other than the mic... what would you suggest? RNLA + RNC? Should I bother getting a Pre if I'm running it into my Digimax then into my 002r?
well if you like it so much, you can buy mine. I'm selling it on ebay for an AT4040 :headbang: :lol:
well if you like it so much, you can buy mine. I'm selling it on ebay for an AT4040 :headbang: :lol:

Lol. Highly recommended by yours truly!

Zorran - I've never used or heard the Sputnik, but I have heard that's it's a pretty good mic for the $$$. R-Sturr made a great suggestion about fiddling with the mic/pre a little more. You should be able to get really nice tones with what you have already. Maybe you can start with losing the compression on the way in and see what happens. Also, try working with proximity with your mic and vocalist.

Audiophile - you live in NoHo (bigtime recording studio central!) and you're still using a NT-1??? I think those things are banned in that area! I'd take it to Poquito Mas on Magnolia and trade it for a weeks worth of carne asada tacos.
Audiophile - you live in NoHo (bigtime recording studio central!) and you're still using a NT-1??? I think those things are banned in that area! I'd take it to Poquito Mas on Magnolia and trade it for a weeks worth of carne asada tacos.

With the exception of NRG and Slate's studio, I'm not familiar with many studios in the area... other than people like me operating out of their house...

and why do you not like the NT1? It sounds better to me than the GT66 I have... did it touch your special place? It's ok to talk about it, you're safe here... :lol:
nt1's serve their purpose pretty well, i dont think theyre THAT terrible, but there are way way better mics
nt1's serve their purpose pretty well, i dont think theyre THAT terrible, but there are way way better mics


I know its not the best, but it sounds better than anything else I've got.

So... based on all of your guys' experience... Which FMR product(s) should I buy to get a nice even vocal to disk?


Is there any benefit to running a Leveling Amp and a Compressor in the same signal chain or is it basically going to slam the track?