Next step up from RNP/RNLA ?

I really like the nt1-a

I've never used one... I have the old white NT1 from the 80's or?? I believe??... I know its old.

i used an nt1a on guitar cab for this band :

that was ltd with 81s > sd1 > fireball : mesa vab..micd with a shure ksm27 and nt1...pretty much dead on and to the left of the place where the speaker cone manet meet.

and fwiw, ive decided to go with a soundelux u195 and presonus adl600 :)
man..that langevin dual vocal combo looks yummy!! but id rather get a tube pre and ss mic.. tubes in modern mics arent as useful to me as tubes in the pre. hmm..and its cheaper too!!
langevin does look awesome
it doesnt really matter if the pre is 'toob' or solid state
a good pre is a good pre.

neve 1073 =solid state,
api 3124=solid state,
chandler tg 2=solid state
manley dm =valve
ua 2610 = valve

all of the above are incredible sounding pres, so dont worry about them having valves in em
I'm not worried, actually... I want api's for drums but cant afford 8 of them yet... so I'm looking at getting a vocal chain first...thats why I've been asking about a good FMR chain... and still no answer, lol.

Should I get a RNLA, RNC and a RNP... or can I just pick between the RNLA and the RNC? of the 3, which would comprise a good, if not great vocal chain? I'm more than likely going to go into my 002r from the Pre, so... yeah...
from what ive heard the rnla is much more agressive sounding as its a levelling amp like the 1176.
so id go with that, coz i like my compression grotty and in your face. none of this namby pamby transparent sundried tomato eating la dee da
Hmm... I like my vocal with a little bit of dynamic to it... slight volume fluctuations, but mostly in your face... so the RNLA might be more of what I'm looking for... cause I compress the snot out of the vocals I do and then theres tons of automation on the volume and the plugins... headache headache headache.

I'm trying to avoid that as much as possible.
With the exception of NRG and Slate's studio, I'm not familiar with many studios in the area... other than people like me operating out of their house...

and why do you not like the NT1? It sounds better to me than the GT66 I have... did it touch your special place? It's ok to talk about it, you're safe here... :lol:

I could probably name 10 other studios right off the dome. Pacifique is would be my favorite mixroom in that area followed by Devonshire - which I'm kinda partial too since it used to be part of Skip Saylor where I was an assistant engineer. My friend Raphael Saddiq has his private studio (with 2 SSL's) there, too.

The NT-1 actually did touch my "special place" - my ears. And it hurt.
dude, you wanna go with the rnla. its a much thicker sound for starters. i a/bd the rnc and rnla and chose the rnla. it was alot more juicy in the mid, which will help the vocal cut in a dense mix. and i love the levelling amp on it, it performs awesomely.
dude, you wanna go with the rnla. its a much thicker sound for starters. i a/bd the rnc and rnla and chose the rnla. it was alot more juicy in the mid, which will help the vocal cut in a dense mix. and i love the levelling amp on it, it performs awesomely.


The NT-1 actually did touch my "special place" - my ears. And it hurt.

Therapy? :erk:

Video? :)