Nice Curve EQ stories


Jan 8, 2008
Hi guys.

Ive been experimenting with the Voxengo CurveEQ these days.

I have some drumtracks recorded but Im not happy with the sound of the snaredrum.
So I wanted to replace the snaredrum with something else.
I wanted it to sound like a snare I have heard on another record.
Unfortunately, there isnt a single snare shot on the album without other instruments over it but there is a snare roll which I chopped up into individual hits and captured the spectrum with CurveEQ.

I loaded up EZDrummer, put CurveEQ on the snare mics and did a spectrum match with the one I had obtained earlier.

To my surprise it actually worked really well. With some minor tweaking it sounded pretty good. Its not exactly like snare on the album due to the difference in timbre and all but overall I was impressed.

If anything it did provide a good startingpoint for getting the sound I wanted.

Got any more nice stories like this? Share 'em :)
actually CurveEQ is quite amazing but I find it hard to copy other EQ settings from mastered records because basically you pick up all that post mix mastering EQ that has been applied to the track too and it's hard to attenuate the EQ results afterwards so they fit on the audio as it should but once you got the hang of it... you never go back ;)