Nick Crow 7170 Lead - Guitar Amp VST

Haha, nice one :)

But I noticed yet another free new ampsim, anyone wanna test it?

Dude, thats really appreicated. Where did you get the .81 version from BTW??

I sent email to Niko (the developer) in January and he sent it in the email.

Hi Anssi,
Thanks for the feedback and nice playing. Actually I am aware of this problem, which doesn't happen in all hosts. I've fixed it a long time ago, but never actually released an update for the plugin, since I originally wanted to make lots of other changes to it, too and had started to do so. Well, as things went I somewhat lost interest in it, so the update to 0.90 is currently somewhat half-finished but not yet in a releasable state.

But I actually found a compiled version, that I send a guy from Portugal, who reported the same bug, more than a year ago ;-)
So, the attached version should fix your problem and another one related to the graphical restoring of the voicing knob. There are no other changes, as far as I remember. Let me know if it works for you.



Anssi Tenhunen - ahjteam schrieb:
> Hey Niko!
> I found your Dirthead to be a nice plugin, I used in a lead sound in one of my songs: *dead links*
> But I noticed that there is a bug with the plugin (version 0.80). If I restart Cubase, the channel resets to yellow, even tho I saved it so that I was using orange channel.
> - Anssi Tenhunen, Finland
Wait, so this is modeling the 6505 lead channel whereas the 7170 plug-in is emulating the 5150? Is there enough difference to warrant two different amp models?

Even if there isn't any difference in the DSP, there's still the sexy skin, which helps with the placebo effect. The delicious, delicious placebo effect.
nick how do you make gui designs like doyou have a template? cause i'd love to try to maybe help you design one an amp sim graphic sometime
Haha, nice one :)

But I noticed yet another free new ampsim, anyone wanna test it?


I just gave DIG 2.0 a spin today very quickly, and I like it!

Granted, this computer (at home) isn't geared towards music production AT ALL, so I get a crappy clipping DI when I record but still, I get a decent sound to toy around with (My LTD going straight in to Sound Blaster Live! Value card, hahaha.... hahahaha... haha! HAH!).

What's cool about DIG is that it lets you go in and change a little bit of it's internal behaviour, sort of like Revalver but VERY dumbed down. You can change what freqs hit the tone knobs, manipulate those crossovers, you can filter the sound after Tube 1 and Tube 2 and such.

The built in Cab Shaper probably isn't too useful, it just filters the wet distorted signal out of the amp with some low pass and other EQ :) Find a good impulse and you'll get pretty decent tones out of DIG, I'm sure of it. I'm gonna keep trying on this one... I wish I had more impulses here at home, they're all on the other computer in the rehearsal place.