Nicko & Dan Spitz side project!


Feb 4, 2002
Ex-ANTHRAX Guitarist, IRON MAIDEN Drummer Join Forces In "Extremely Heavy" Project - June 3, 2002

Former ANTHRAX guitarist Dan Spitz and IRON MAIDEN drummer Nicko McBrain have joined forces in a brand new project that is "currently recording an extremely heavy album," according to a message posted at the web site of Dean Guitars, with whom Spitz has an endorsement deal. "Together they have sold more than 60 Million albums and have earned six Grammy Nomimations. Dan Spitz, founding member of ANTHRAX and the Godfather of rap-meets-metal, has picked up his guitar again."
Dan Spitz making a heavy album?

Last I heard he had turned anti-metal and was a religious nut. Talk about goin' full circle.
And he makes watches or something! :)

He did 20 Questions with Metal Sludge last year, seems like a bit of a git:

9. If King Diamond needed a cuckoo-clock fixed, would you fix it for him?
answer from me dan spitz:
Cuckoo-clocks are for people who cannot attain the following technological expertise attained by myself. Let Scott fix it.
A 20 question quote from scott:
Any plans on following Dan Spitz's path and renouncing the Devil's music or maybe fixing cuckoo-clocks?
scotts answer:
Maybe he'll give me a job at his Christian watch repair shop/Jews for Jesus music project thing.

answer from me dan spitz:
Try four Swiss degrees in Microtechnology, Micro-electro-mechanics, Master Swiss Watchmaker, Master of micro-mechanical Museum Restorations. One of six people chosen per year in the Whole World given a Full scholarship to the Only Swiss English speaking micro technology school. Total graduate degrees per year from this school is 12 people. I'm one of them. That's after completing a 26 month course in 8 months time at the Bulova school for Watchmaking here in the USA!!! The fastest Graduate in the 53 year history of the school. That's how I got the scholorship. So, that's 5 Diploma's. I did this for quiet time after almost 14 years of loud music. The sound of tic toc on a $200,000 masterpiece is just wonderful. Or maybe being offered job's from company's such as johnson and johnson to do research for brain implaints for elephantisis. I could name my salary. You want a Job? Get a brain first!!!! Remember what you said scott. spitz = smart. Do the math!!!
Together they have sold 60 million albums full of songs they had nothing to do with :D
Dan Spitz did more writing than Scott Ian on Fistful Of Metal which was weird, coz Scott Ian did most Anthrax writing after that I think.

Fistful of Metal is possibly my fave Anthrax album too.