Nicko McBrain goes for street cred

NEWS - Iron Maiden Drummer Arrested After Hitting Venue Employee With Car
(7/29/03, 10 a.m. ET) -- Iron Maiden ran into a little snafu over the weekend at the Long Island, New York stop of their Give Me Ed... 'Til I'm Dead tour. Drummer Michael "Nico" McBrain was arrested and charged with assault on Saturday (July 26) at Jones Beach Amphitheater, just outside of New York City, after allegedly hitting a parking attendant with his 2004 Jaguar.
Newsday reports that McBrain was trying to get into the VIP lot at the venue when an argument broke out between the 51-year-old drummer and the parking attendant/security guard at about 8:30 p.m. ET. The paper spoke to police Major Richard O'Donnell who said that the trouble began after the attendant/security guard asked for McBrain's credentials, and wouldn't let him through. "The complainant (security guard) alleged Mr. McBrain would hit him if he didn't move out of the way." The attendant claims that McBrain moved forward, hitting him in the legs, causing him to fall onto the hood of the car and injure his hand.

McBrain was arrested for third-degree assault, but was issued a ticket and released in time to make the show. Singer Bruce Dickinson told LAUNCH that the arrest was a minor incident and will not prevent McBrain or the band from continuing their U.S. tour. "The tour is continuing as normal,” Dickinson said. “Everything is fine. There's some ticket [that's] been issued, which is, as I understand it, a misdemeanor ticket and he has to go back in September and talk to whoever about the misdemeanor ticket."
McBrain is scheduled to appear September 16 in First District Court in Hempstead, New York to address the incident.