Maiden's Mcbrain arrested in New York


Nov 19, 2002
New Jersey USA,0,1333852.story

July 28, 2003

The drummer of the heavy metal band Iron Maiden was arrested and charged with assault Saturday after intentionally hitting a parking attendant with his car before a concert at the Tommy Hilfiger at Jones Beach Theater, state park police said.

Michael "Nicko" McBrain, 51, of London, was trying to enter the VIP parking lot in a black 2004 Jaguar at the theater when he began arguing with a parking attendant about 8:30 p.m., state park police Maj. Richard O'Donnell said.

The attendant, 30, whose name was not released by police, asked McBrain for his credentials. "The complainant alleged Mr. McBrain would hit him if he didn't move out of the way," O'Donnell said. The attendant told police McBrain then moved his car forward, hitting him in the legs. The attendant fell onto the hood of the car and injured his right hand, O'Donnell said.

State park police arrested McBrain and released him on an appearance ticket before the concert started. It was part of Iron Maiden's "Give Me Ed ... 'Til I'm Dead" tour.

McBrain was charged with third-degree assault and is scheduled to appear in First District Court in Hempstead Sept. 16, O'Donnell said. Representatives for Iron Maiden could not be reached last night.
How are Ricknroll.Poor old nicko but you gotta admit its is ROCKNROLL.By the way who is this woman sue you all seem to know her is she a backing singer with Maiden?
what a thread this turned out to be.
The court date isnt till september.
Hope alls well in saxon land.
DVD's here, im buyin.
reviews soon as I check it out.....
May take an extra few days to get to the States, so you Britts let us Yanks know how it is!